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His gaze followed Leon when he finally stood up. "If you're ready we should go get briefed on your training mission." Leon spoke calmly, Y/n standing to follow him out.

"I thought you didn't want to work with me..." He began, watching him.

"I don't, but the sooner you get trained the sooner I can go back to being alone." He led the male back to his room. "Are you ready now or later?"

"Would I need to get all my gear on right now or after?" Y/n watched as Leon's eyes left him to think over his words carefully. His looked back at him and spoke confidently.

"Either works. So?"

"Alright... you've convinced me... let's get going." Leon nodded and started the walk towards the office room. He opened the door and stepped around, waving Y/n inside first. Confused by his less aggravated actions, the male sat down quietly in his seat. Leon sat next to him and pressed a little buzzer that must have rung elsewhere.

He turned to the shorter male with interest, "is there anything you CAN remember? Anything at all?"

"There was a huge thing... but that was after I woke up in a pool of water..." Y/n spoke quietly.

"I see... hm..." He turned towards the door as it opened, swung carefully closed. Hunnigan walked to stand in front of the table, setting down a large vanilla folder.

"This is what we've collected of the scene so far. We need the two of you to go there and try to find anything else you can." With that she pushed it over and Leon immediately took it from him, scanning over the contents as he sifted through them. Y/n waited patiently, looking through paperwork more carefully than the dirty blonde had.

Leon set everything else down and watched the male, then looked at Hunnigan. "What exactly are we looking for?"

"From the words in the paperwork it appears to be signs of disturbance or leftover virus samples..." Y/n explained, catching the male off guard.

"Where did you find that?" The h/c haired male held up a paper, which was ripped from his hands by Leon and looked over in depth. "Hm... nice looking." He complimented as he set the paperwork down. "I'm ready to go."

"There's just one more thing Leon..." Hunnigan began, biting the inside of her cheek. Both men fully tuned into her. "There's been rumors of people trapped in buildings out there, so be on the lookout for civilians."

The dirty blonde sighed, leaning back in his chair. "Always gotta be something more..." he shook his head, "when do we leave?"

"Now." She replied, surprising the two. "Now go get ready." Y/n stood up slowly as Leon quickly jumped to his feet, rushing from the room. Y/n took his time getting to his room and changing into the strange uniform. Despite it being slightly loose on him, it fit rather well. (Think Leon's RE 4 uniform without the jacket and a lot more loose. Or however you want it to look)

He stepped out of his room and began walking towards the elevator that he remembered. Leon stood next to it, hands crossed over his chest as the doors slowly opened. He stepped inside and held the door open for the male, who joined him quickly. As the doors closed he felt a sudden wave of anxiety crawl up his spine as he shivered. "Is something wrong?"

"No I..." Y/n didn't know what to say. How could he explain he was worried yet ready for this without sounding like a contradicted fool? He looked towards the ground and folded his hands together. "It's not important." He just barely missed the concern that flashed in Leon's eyes.

"Is it nerves? I was nervous my first time doing all of this too." He spoke calmly.

"It's hard to imagine that..." he replied sheepishly. "You seem like you're prepared for anything..." he looked down awkwardly.

"Well there's a time when everyone's afraid." He replied warmly, gently nudging his shoulder.

He smiled and laughed, "You? Afraid? No way, I'd like to see that."

"Hopefully there's never a moment when you will." Leon spoke, the male nodding casually as the doors opened. Y/n felt the warm air as it flew into them, stepping out together to get in the helicopter. It hadn't even been a full day here, and he was tired.

As they climbed into the helicopter, choosing to sit next to each other by divine luck. With how quiet they were and the soft humming of the metal bird Y/n was lulled to sleep. His head slowly fell to rest on Leon's shoulder, the dirty blonde eyeing the male.

He stood guard while waiting, helping make sure the male was comfortable. His blue eyes watches his sleeping face and unbeknownst to him he got attached to the adorable sleeping man. He pushed a strand of the male's hair behind his ear as he turned to look out of the window.

A few hours later, early morning sprung with its soft rays of pink and orange. Leon had fallen asleep, head rested on the wall of the helicopter while the male was pressed into his side. Eventually he woke up, feeling a disturbance as the bird landed. Y/n rubbed his eyes and stretched his muscles, looking around. As he sat up it alerted Leon, who sat up straight and fixed his uniform.

"Must be here." He got up and the male sluggishly followed suit. The males climbed out and looked around the small, deserted town. "Hm... stay alert while he explore." The male nodded and followed after Leon.

The dirty blonde pushed around a few pieces of rubble, sending Y/n glances every so often. "Hey Leon! What do you think this is?" He walked over to the human sized hole in the ground.

"Probably an access point to the sewers. Nasty stuff down there." He replied.

"Smells great." Y/n joked cheekily, turning to Leon. The dirty blonde laughed softly and shook his head, both panicking when the ground beneath them gave way.

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