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(This will be following the direct timeline of Leon's Campaign from the sixth game. With each chapter.)

Leon had been tasked with joining the President at Ivy University in Tall Oaks. While there however a strange bluish gas had been released into the air starting at the college. By the time Leon had made it back to the President he found him stumbling around towards a young woman, who he could have sworn he had seen before training with his partner. His eyes softened slightly as he began talking to the President directly. "Don't make me do this... Mr. President!" As he continued to reach forward at the woman who was panicked, unable to move due to the fear in her eyes and the regret heavy in her heart. Leon sharpened his gaze slightly as he put his finger on the trigger. "Adam!" He squeezed it just as the corpse made a leap towards the mysterious woman. It pierced the skull and sent the President's body to the ground with a cold, loud thud. He looked at the woman who looked back at him with shock written all over her face before they began talking to Hunnigan over the clear device. Leon explaining he just shot the president and explaining the full situation. He crouched down by the body and hung his head slightly, "Adam... I'm sorry.." He looked away from him and closed his eyes before standing up. He stood up and looked at the woman, "So what's so special about this church? You have some sins to confess?"

The brunette shook her head before glancing to the side quietly. "It's hard to explain. If I don't tell you at the cathedral... You may not believe me." She moved both of her hands onto her gun and began walking to the door behind Leon, watching as he paused to lean against the doorway.

"You're gonna tell me everything once we get to the cathedral. Deal?" He pushed off of the door when the woman began to speak.


They began to walk down the hall and Leon paused to look into another room to see two bodies, one falling off of the chair and another on the ground. A gun visible with blood staining the wood and carpets. He closed the door and looked away before continuing. He noted the lack of power in the elevators and decided he would deal with that later. He approached the door and leaned against the left side of the door while Helena joined him on the right side. "You see one of them, aim for the head. It's your best bet." Leon began, looking at the woman who stared back at him with wonder.

She turned away and faced the door as Leon began preparing to open it. "Got it." Leon turned and aimed his gun to the left side while Helena aimed at the right, though the entire dining room below was empty.

"This was where the reception was going to be."

"They'd all be here eating dinner right now if..." She looked around the room quietly, mourning. "You think anyone survived?"

"I hope so." Leon pulled away from the railing and began walking down the hall to reach the stairs, beginning to move down them as they continued to talk. "I can't believe this is happening again. It's just like Raccoon."

"The Raccoon Incident. You were one of the survivors." Helena began, watching him. As she placed her left hand on the railing, holding her gun in her left hand she sent a sympathetic glance to the back of his head.

"Yeah... I'll never forget it." He looked briefly at the ground, feeling the pain and flashbacks of that fateful night echo through his vision before he rounded the corner and walked down the last set of stairs. "We're going to this cathedral of yours - but if you really did have a hand in this... You can kiss your freedom goodbye."

"I know." Leon paused at the bottom of the stairs as he looked back over the tables. They suddenly see a figure rush into another room. "What was that?" She asked alarmed.

Leon turned to her for a moment before beginning to jog forward. "Only one way to find out... Let's go!" They began winding around the tables and toppled over chairs, wondering how so many things got moved in short notice. Leon felt on edge as though he was being watched, though the woman quickly was right beside him as they carefully entered the kitchen. They heard the door on the other end of the room open and slam behind something. The man leaning against the door frame carefully peering inside the room. "In the back!" He whispers, though it sounds more like a breathy yell with a lowered tone. The woman nodded and followed behind him as Leon continued walking forward, rounding the corner by the door. As they entered the hallway the trash can was knocked over as they heard the running echo before a door slammed. They go closer to the door and stood on either side of it, exchanging glances. They entered the room as a man from inside coughed into his hand and arm. Guns aimed at him from around the desk as he shoots up to his feet, hands in the air with fear.

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