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They stood nearby watching his lover fighting with Chris, brow furrowed as he watched the woman carefully from afar. Even Helena could tell something was off by the tension in the male's shoulders and the unwavering stare he sent the ravenette's way. Her hand remained steadily on her gun while Chris and Leon paused their fight to recognize one another.


The three males had gathered into the attack vehicle as Piers sped forward after the red sports car. Chris was on the gun, sending the other male cautious glances. "I know you're mad, but this is something to discuss later. I'm here to help, accept that."

"You're not..." The male paused as he was sent a hurt look.

"I know. No more running. But you can't expect me to stay chained up my whole life either Chris." The brunette simply nodded as he fired the gun.

"Keep me loaded up." The male nodded, shifting his positioning to load the gun as quickly as he can as the vehicle lurched slightly. "So, why did you leave Leon again?"

"This isn't about Leon. It's about Simmons, but this woman isn't who I know." He shook his head as he briefly turned to face the red car. "Something about this whole mess rubs me the wrong way."

"What exactly rubs you the right way?" Chris asked, sparing a glance down at him to see the other male playfully smirk. "Don't you dare."

"Leon could."

"Shut the fuck up and keep loading my goddamn gun." Chris sighed, shaking his head as he turned to shoot the enemy vehicles joining in the chase.

"On it!" A stray bullet pierces his left forearm and he hisses slightly as he continues loading the gun, pulling out his own pistol and firing a round towards the driver of the vehicle who shot him. Once the stray car slammed into the side of a building and burst into flame he looked over his arm, pushing his fingers into the wound to pull the bullet out of the bone. "Fuck!"

"You alright?" Chris called, body facing away from him. The other male shook his head and groaned as the wound healed over. Watching horrified as the muscle connects before his very eyes.

"I'm alright, don't worry bout me." He shifted to watch the red car as it zoomed into a parking garage. "Probably a trap up ahead!"

"Get up front with Piers!" Chris called and the other male slid down into the passenger seat, pulling out his pistol once again to lie in wait. As they slow down they are surrounded by a large group of people, all three of them waiting just a second before lighting up the cars and watching them explode. This continues a few floors until Piers and Chris change positions and Chris speeds off after the red car. The third male shifts in the seat uncomfortably, looking out one of the windows. "What's your goal here?"

"What do you mean?" The male looked at Chris, who focused on the road. He lowered his gaze to the floor and leaned back in the seat, arms moving to rest over his chest. "I guess I just want to be done with everything."

"You let Wesker go that day. How come?"

"Let's leave it at the fact that I don't know why I did it. I just did." He looked towards the red car ahead of them. "Why does that bother you so much? He hasn't come back up once since then."

"Which means he's likely planning something."

"I don't care what the dude does right now Chris. My focus here is stopping Simmons and whoever this woman is. Let me tell you, that is not Ada. I can promise that Chris."

"Leon seemed pretty convinced when he jumped in front of her." Chris sent him a brief look and saw the utter hurt flash across his face. The male looked away and Chris stuttered over his words. "I mean, I'm sure he didn't mean it like that."

"It's Leon. I never know what the things he does means." He lowered his gaze and dropped his arms. "But you have Jill." He heard the softest chuckle from the other male. "What's so funny?"

"I lost my memory, remember?" The male's eyes softened more as the realization hit his face. "I can only imagine how that information hit her."

"Like a plane probably. Leon crashed a plane earlier actually." He's sent a shocked expression, which makes him smile and continue eagerly. "Yeah I looked towards the sky and was like, 'damn.' And boom. I explore the crash site, its a commercial airplane. Should have had people on it, but I assume that went awry for them. Anyway he and Helena come stumble out of the plane!" The two shared a brief laugh before the male sighed, shaking his head. "It's so crazy how fast tonight feels. I started off with you hovering over the city, had a run in with Ada, went with Leon. I almost got pushed into a meat grinder Chris. A large meat grinder. I could have died."

"Oh yeah?" Chris asked, speeding up closer to the sports car while Piers' fired at the enemies surrounding them. "Sounds like an adventure tonight," They all braced themselves as Chris slammed the gas pedal all the way to the ground and flew over the open ocean onto the departing carrier ship. crashing and rolling, throwing everyone out and knocking the wind out of them. The male laid there, feeling his bones beginning to pop as they slowly moved themselves back into proper place. He groaned softly as he slowly tried pulling himself out from under the vehicle. Growling through gritted teeth as the pain seared across his body, glancing behind himself to find his ankle caught under part of the metal frame of the vehicle. He lifted his gaze to see Piers shifting his body turning to fight off the J'avo that tried to grapple onto him. Chris called his name, turning onto his back with his pistol to fire at the creature before it dropped dead onto its side.

Once both men got to their feet Piers noticed the other male struggling to free his ankle from under the vehicle and rushed over, sliding onto the ground to avoid the gunfire as he wrapped his arms around the vehicle frame and pulled up on it just enough for the male to slide his ankle out. He dropped it and helped him up to his feet, pulling him back and into the cover next to Chris as they planned out their move. He lowered himself to the ground and looked at his ankle as he hissed, feeling the bone crack as it shifted under the skin. He felt it molding back into place as he grunted and leaned against Piers to help him stand up properly until the pain passed, eyes looking over into Chris'. The brunette only watched him quietly, unsure what to say at that point in time. There was no escaping one another, not until they finished this and got out.

"I'm okay Chris." The male spoke suddenly, breaking the male's silence. "I'm not going anywhere. If you have something to say to me I want you to say it." A bullet hit the wall behind the male and his gaze ripped over to the J'avo attempting to corner him. "We'll talk later." He leaned down as his body shifted into the wolf form, though oddly enough instead of being entirely fleshed out like Chris remembered it, it was only muscle tissues merged under thin skin. The beast growled lowly as it rushed the other creature, pinning it underneath the over sized beast as it reached down and tore into the ligaments of muscle in the neck. A sinister gurgling sound filled the air as Chris nudged Piers' shoulder.

"We gotta keep moving." Piers stood there in shock, horrified by the creature as Chris hooked his arm in the male's and fully began dragging him into the room. "Piers!" He snapped the male back to reality, looking at Chris with utter horror.

"What the fuck was that?"

"He has a name. And right now that's the least of our worries. We're going to get pinned down if we don't do something right now. Don't worry about him."

"I'm more interested in him now that I just saw that!" He gestured with a wave of his hand, but bit the inside of his cheek when Chris glared at him and stepped closer, towering over him.

"Drop it."

"Yes sir." He looked away towards the ground before they went up the stairs cautiously, taking out anything that crossed their paths.


They stood in front of the fake Ada as she watched them with intrigue. Chris and her exchanged several words before a helicopter flew overhead and shot her straight through the chest, causing her to look up at it in vain and stumbling backwards until she outstretched her arms and free fell several stories down until she hit the ground with a sickening crack. The male walked towards the edge and looked down cautiously before turning to look at Chris. "I guess that settles that then, huh?" His eyes soften as he turned down to Piers who was busy looking at the vials in the case. Explaining them after saying some were missing. His brow furrowed when they took the last one for themselves, shaking his head.

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