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In near pitch darkness the two men groan and shift around, "fuck my arm..." Leon could hear Y/n mutter. He flicked on the flashlight attached to his earpiece and located the disoriented male.

"Y/n are you alright?" He slowly stood up, walking towards him. His hands gently grasped the other male's, who flinched at the contact. Y/n raised his gaze to meet Leon's.

"I-I think so..." He replied, rubbing his arm. "Just sore..." Leon helped him up and they exchanged glances.

"Let's get out of here... alive alright?" He reached over, brushing some of the other male's hair away as he turned the light on Y/n's earpiece. "So you don't get lost." His voice was softer, more gentle.

The shorter male nodded, following after him while looking around. He was grateful that the light followed his gaze and made it easier to see, though it added unease. He could hear the water beneath their feet squeak as they stepped onto a platform. Suddenly the whole sewer system went dead silent.

Leon stopped at the door, both men being as quiet as possible. Leon slowly turned, the light illuminating Y/n's face as well as the fleeing shadows of rats behind him. The male looked anxiously at the dirty blonde, sending a glance behind himself. Leon grabbed his wrist, making the male's face snap towards him. The dirty blonde put a finger to his lips and pointed inside the room.

Y/n glanced inside, seeing an abnormally large rat that seemed to be the size of a medium sized dog. "W-Wh-" Leon cupped a hand over his mouth as the large animal turned. It's lower jaw had been ripped clean off, blood dripping down the fur on its neck. Y/n breathed in anxiously, he felt Leon pressed into his back with his breath hot on his left ear.

"Don't move..." he whispered, the male listening and not even nodding. After a moment the dogs eyes shifted away from their bodies, back to the door in front of it. Leon let him go, the heat from his body leaving the male as he attached a silencer to his gun and shot the undead thing in the head. As it collapsed Y/n let out an audible breath of relief.

"What... was that?" Y/n asked, confused. "Was it... a zombie dog?"

"In a way, yes." Leon replied, stepping over the corpse to open the door. As it twisted something rammed against it, throwing Leon's frame to the floor. He turned and looked up at the man standing before them. His gaze fell between the two awkwardly.

"Who the hell are you?" He questioned Y/n, who awkwardly stood in the doorway.

"That's Eren, my partner." Leon answered, slowly getting up to his feet and wiping the dust from himself. "Who the hell are you?"


"Blaze?" Leon asked, brow furrowing. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I was told a group of agents fell into the sewers and was sent to help..." He replied, his gaze turning back to Y/n. The male stepped inside the room and closed the door behind himself. "So you're training a rookie?"

"No, I'm working with Eren." Leon shot back, finishing getting off all the dirt.

"I've never seen him before. Does he not talk?"

"Oh Blaze he'll talk your ear off if you manage to get him started..." Leon replied, sending Y/n an odd glance. The male closed his mouth, his words dying on his tongue like poison. His brow furrowed, more confused than anything.

"Where'd you find someone like him?" Blaze asked casually, trying to make conversation as they walk up a set of stairs that lead back outside into the sunlight. Y/n sighed and covered his eyes as the light hit him.

"Why are you being so nosy?" Leon argued back, the two beginning to banter like cats and dogs.

"I'm just trying to get to know him so I know how he works."

"He doesn't even remember how he works!" Leon snapped back, the two taller men pausing to turn back. Y/n had stopped and looked lost, eyes glazed over with thought. Leon walked back, gently grabbing the males shoulder. "Hey..." Y/n's gaze cleared and he looked at him weakly. "Are you alright?"

He started to nod slowly, pulling back from Leon and looking towards the ground. His voice was barely above a whisper, "I'm fine..."

He felt an ache in his chest as he watches the males expression. "Let's keep going. Can you do that? How's your arm now?" Y/n's gaze slowly lifted to stay on Leon's.

He touched his own arm and sighed softly, "it's better now. Still a little sore..." He saw past Leon's worry to Blaze's curiosity. He looked back at Leon, seeing the way he watched him. "Can we get going now?"

Leon stepped away from him and nodded, "Yeah let's go." He started leading the way and the h/c haired male followed after him. Blaze walked a small ways behind them, still surprised by everything that happened moments ago. Slowly he jogs up to be in their tiny group.

"What do you mean he can't remember?" Blaze asked innocently. Leon sent him a glance over his shoulder and said nothing as he moved to look forward again. Blaze turned his innocent gaze to the shorter male.

Y/n was much more casual with his answer, "Well... I think it might have been memory loss, but I don't remember anything from when I woke up..." Y/n replied, cutting out the part where he was brutally tossed around by a giant monster. He also left out the feeling of nearly drowning and losing everything he had.

He wondered suddenly if that's what caused him to lose his memory. As if him drowning may have caused his brain to stressfully shut down certain systems like his memory. He began pondering over that as it swarmed his brain and became more in depth. Had that been a direct cause? Who was he originally?

But yet something else crawled from the back of his head. How had he survived laying in water for so long?

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