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About a year later and Leon was sent on a mission that took him all the way to Spain, Y/n being sent to a training facility to better hone his skills. As the days and months past him by he learned how to properly harness his skills. His hands ram into the bag, making the chain holding it crinkle and clash against each other.

He heard movement behind him, but ignored it as he threw another punch. "You should bandage your hands so you don't hurt them." He paused when he heard Leon's voice, looking over at him over his shoulder.

"Oh like you'd know Mister Kennedy." Y/n replied. "And besides. If I'm on a mission and I gotta fist fight a zombie, chances are that I won't have my hands bandaged up ready to hit." He added, turning back to the punching bag.

"That's fair enough, but at least get a technique down." Leon approached, moving the smaller males body and simulated a better fighting form. "Try it like this." Y/n could feel Leon's breath on his neck as the male spoke, further guiding the male. He let go and stepped back, "try it."

Y/n did what Leon had instructed, and found that the form worked with his height. So he tried striking slightly harder, making the bag rock back and forth while Leon watched with intrigue. "So why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be on some rinky dink island?"

Leon laughed, causing poor Y/n to miss the bag and crash into it chest first. He turned to see Leon laugh a little harder. "Rinky dink? Really?"

"Well yeah... a shady, undisclosed location full of trouble..." Y/n explained, seeing the way Leon's eyes sparked with interest. "How did your mission go? I see you're all battered up. Shouldn't you have gone back to base?"

"Said I needed a break."

"Oh my! Did they...?" Y/n lowered his voice. "Fire you?" Leon sent him a warm smile and shook his head.

"Nah, but I personally wanted to spend break making you miserable here." Leon replied coolly.

"Ah well we win some and we lose some MR. Scott." Y/n spoke, starting to pull an arm back to hit the bag before noticing the way Leon flinched. "Hey... are you okay Leon?" He looked over his face and could see the trauma written over it. "Is it what I said? I-I can call you something different Leon!"

(Random Note to help me write: with it being a year later, in 2004, Y/n would be roughly 21.)

"N-no..." Leon shook his head, eyes lifting to meet the h/c haired male's. "You can call me that I just... was remembering something is all. Leon saw the worry etched into the deepest depths of the shorter male's soft gaze. He stared in silence for a moment, becoming lost before he gestured to the punching bag. "You wanna continue?"

Y/n broke eye contact and turned towards it, shaking his head. "I think I've worked enough today..." He turned back to Leon. "But are you really okay Leon?"

"Aw, are you worried about me?" Leon asked with a soft chuckle, which made the shorter male nod affirmatively. "Also I think you may have grown a bit since the last time I saw you kid." Leon puts a hand on Y/n's head and slowly brings it to his torso. "Hm maybe by a centimeter." He saw the male blink quietly, watching the male with curiosity.

They went quiet for a moment, staring at each other awkwardly before Y/n turned away. "So... how'd it go?"


"Your mission...?" Y/n asked, fumbling with his hands. He started to leave the room, Leon following after him like a lost puppy.

"Well I was sent to save the Presidents daughter." Leon started, seeing the male nod. "And it spiraled when I got there." Was how Leon ended the topic. Y/n didn't ask anything else, simply walking out of the building. "Hey where are you going?"

"Hm? For a walk why?" Leon joined him on the sidewalk, breathing in the fresh air.

"If you can't remember who you are how will you remember your way back here?" Leon defended bluntly. "So I'll come with you."

Y/n sent him a mischievous grin, "just because I lost the brunt of my memory doesn't mean that I'm bad with directions now." He defended himself, lightly punching Leon's shoulder. "But if you really wanna walk around with me that's fine~ could have just said so~"

"Psh what? I'd never wanna go anywhere with you!" Leon deflected bluntly, his face tinting a light pink. Y/n paused a little behind the male, Leon turning and opening his mouth to apologize. "Wait I didn't-"

"You're not very nice you know..." Y/n cut him off, walking past him. "Maybe you should just go walk by yourself..." The shorter male sent Leon an innocent look as he walked away, walking a good distance before coming back.

Leon hadn't moved from his spot, mind spiraling even after the shorter male dragged him down the street towards the building. He haphazardly stumbles up the stairs, following after Y/n like an abandoned baby duck. The shorter male calmly brought him to the cafeteria and gathered them both food, setting Leon's plate in front of him before sitting beside him.

When Leon finally came to he noticed the male was eating peacefully. He noticed his own food and slowly began shoveling it down his throat like it was his last meal, Y/n pausing at one point to watch worriedly. Finishing first out of the two of them, he abruptly stood up and set his plate aside and came back to Y/n. "Where are you staying exactly?"

"Didn't get a room?" Leon simply shook his head with a frown. The male started to get up, Leon gently pushing him down.

"Finish your food then we'll go..." Y/n looked into his blue eyes with wonder, falling slightly into the pools. He finished his food and stood up, setting his plate in a sink. He stretched and turned to the dirty blonde, who now waited for him at the doors. He walked over and led the way, winding through hallways until he reached his goal.

He opened the door and entered, leaving room for Leon to squeeze past him inside. Once inside the room Leon looked around curiously. He sat down on the bed and played with his hands as he gathered his thoughts. Meanwhile Y/n sat on the desk across from the taller male, watching the way his face twisted and brow creased in an adorable little way.

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