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When the sun came up the duo found the others feet in their face, stretching as they sat up gracefully. Y/n got off the bed first, wiggling his toes. Leon watched him with interest, sitting up and letting his feet touch the cool floor. He watched the male in front of his slowly pull his shirt off.

Never in a million years did Leon expect to suck in a breath over a man, but here he was. His face flushed and felt hot as he looked over the muscle the male had hidden away. He noted a few scars, some appearing fatal running and stretching across his back. His brow furrowed and he stood up. "What do you know about the scars on your back?"

"What?" Y/n spun around to face the taller male. "What scars?" Leon saw the confusion and worry in the male's eye. He gently pulled him to a mirror and angles him so he could see the majority of them. Y/n stared at them with surprise, eyeing them all as reached back to touch them. "Where did I get scars from?"

"Maybe something happened to you in the past?" Leon asked, his tone soft and his hands warm on the male's bare arms. They exchanged a quiet glance, eyes locked together. Leon's hands moved away from the male and Y/n visibly shivered at the cold air that took their places. He watched Leon step back and shrug. "Anyway is there anything you need to do today?"

"Well I'm getting blood drawn and then flying back to the original base... why? You wanna go sight seeing?" Y/n asked, clearly joking. What surprised him was that Leon was quick to suggest a good tour of their location. Y/n sighed softly and agreed, putting on fresh clothes and stepping out of the room with him.

Leon took his hand and paused, feeling the softness of it as he pulled the male along down the hallway. "When is your flight?"

"It's whenever the choppers ready Leon... I'm not used to this country and it's way of life yet!" Y/n replied, getting a deep chuckle from Leon.

"You know, I don't like flying either. When do you gotta get your blood drawn and where?" Leon paused and looked deeply into his eyes.

"I think it was around one..." Y/n replied quietly, becoming shy underneath the blondes stare. Leon watched the shorter male squirm, smirking slowly as he stalked closer.

"Is something wrong?" As he got closer the male backed up, eventually hitting the wall behind himself where Leon freely pinned him. "Are you... Embarrassed?"

"N-No!" Y/n's face turned pink, his eyes betraying his true feelings. Leon smiled and cupped his cheek, leaning down a bit to make better eye contact.

Y/n's heart began to race in its place, thinking Leon was going to kiss him. Leon eyed him, glancing towards his lips every so often. Leon watched as he squirmed beneath him, breath sucked in everytime Leon inches closer. He watched this change and slowly pulled away. "How about now?"

The dirty blonde saw hurt flash in the males eyes as he looked down at the floor, biting his lip till it bled. He slowly lifted his gaze, small bits of crimson rolling off his soft lips. Leon wiped it away gently with his thumb. "I am... and you're a horrible guy Leon." Y/n snapped at him, pushing him away and marching out of the building without him.

He stood there in shocked silence for a moment. "I was kidding..." He felt a sudden, sharp pain in his chest that reminded him of his time in Spain. This one was weaker, less life-threatening but still very painful to experience. He felt his muscles convulse as he broke off into a run to catch the male. "Y/n wait!"

He reached out and gently grabbed onto the males shoulder, who fought him off for a moment before giving up when Leon outsmarted him. Leon dragged him into an alleyway and pinned him to the cold cement wall.

"Look I..."

"Just save it Leon..." Y/n replied as he looked away, disappointment in his e/c hues. Leon hugged the male gently, slowly calming the male down. Y/n sighed and burrowed his face into Leon's chest, wrapping his arms around his back to hold his shoulders.

"I'm sorry... I swear I didn't mean it..." Leon whispered, his grip tightening slightly as if he lets him go Y/n will leave and he'll never see him again. "So don't go... don't leave..."

The other sighed softly, letting Leon go. "If you didn't mean it, then what was it? A joke? It was a very shitty one if that's what it was supposed to be Leon!" He yelled at the dirty blonde, who bowed his head in shame and hid it in the shorter males neck.

"I'm sorry..."

"You should be... I..." Y/n bit his already bleeding lip as Leon pulled away slightly to listen fully. His full attention the male as he gently pried his teeth off the damaged skin.

"You what?" Leon asked, wanting him to continue. He saw the way Y/n choked on his words, panicking as he tried to put them together carefully.

"I rather like you Leon... a lot..." He confessed, looking down at the ground. Leon looked at him, understanding how delicate his choice would be and how dangerous it was. The thickness of the air around them hung hazardously.

Y/n raised his head, getting ready to reject himself for Leon when Leon pulled him into another hug. "I've never liked a man before..." Leon started shyly, Y/n's heart cracking slightly. "But... I wonder if that's why I couldn't stand the joke I made when it turned you away... I felt this..."

"What? A pain?"

"Yes... a knife-like pain that ached in my heart... and I worried about you... so I came out here to keep you from going away forever..." Leon began to ramble about how he couldn't lose the male and he's the only person he knows who's willingly stuck around him.

Y/n smiled and debated his choices, punching Leon's shoulder lightly. "I told you didn't I? That I'm gonna make you miserable? Hop to it Agent Kennedy~ Let's see some sights then!" Leon stumbled over his words before nodding, letting out a sheepish grin.

"Heh alright."

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