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From that Y/n had been brought to specialists, who began doing several scans over his body to find the cause of this memory loss. They said from his files he was roughly twenty, so where had all those years vanished off to? As they tested he tried to remain calm, though all their worrying made him anxious.

After a few more tests he began to resist against them, pushing the doctors away from himself while he demanded to be left alone. His head hurt and his muscles ached. They let him return to his room where he lay down on the cool blankets. He noticed a few new items spread out in the room, which confused him. He started to sit up before dizziness overtook him and caused him to black out.

Once he woke up he found himself still laying on his bed, completely safe from harm. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. Had he been that tired? He shook his head and got up to look at the new items. He picked up a little note by them.

"Thought you could use these, we'll explain more later." -Hunnigan

He set the note down and looked at the extra gear. There was another pistol resting by the one Rebecca gave him, and a few strange devices he didn't know until he messed with them. He picked on up and looked over it quietly, finding it to be a belt grappling hook. His brow furrowed as he looked over it more before setting it down.

"Not one for subtlety are you?" At the voice the male audibly jumped with surprise. He leaned against the wall and placed a hand over his chest.

"You startled me Leon..." Y/n spoke up, looking down towards the ground. "That wasn't very nice, you know..."

"Oh I know." He replied casually. "Do you like it? Hunnigan said you'd need new things if we couldn't find out where you're from." He pushed off the wall by a desk table and crossed his arms over his chest. "She got you clothes brought here too."

"Thank you..."

"Thank her kid, not me. I just brought them here like she requested..." He replied, his face cold.

"Aw come on... You just wanted a reason to get to know me, didn't you?" Y/n teased, trying to get him to open up. Leon walked to the door and stepped out.

"No." And with that he closed the door. Y/n's small smile fell from his face, looking down towards the ground.

"Alright then..." he raised his gaze and cleared the emotions from it, letting the smile return after a moment. "Let's not let Debbie the Downer ruin my mood. Let's go meet more people." With great power comes great extrovertedness forced onto them. He looked over the uniform clothes and skipped them, putting on a black button up shirt and a pair of black jeans. He looked it over, surprised they fit him so well.

After that he turned and grabbed the strange device from the desk by his gear and looked it over. "But what's this?" It appeared to look like a weirdly formed walkie-talkie, which he set back down before he left the room. His gaze fell on a few people that congregated by what seemed like a cafeteria.

He stepped past the through and into the room, looking around the space. There were several people sitting at tables, discussing things with coworkers and friends. He felt like the odd one out, the elephant in the room. He lowered his gaze slightly and sat at one of the tables, tapping on it quietly. He watched people slowly begin to notice him and whisper questions about him while he shrunk into himself.

The attention felt like knives cascading down his spine as he ate what he had been given. A few people scoffed at him, while others were more curious. The only person remotely friendly to him had been Kate, but she had left hours earlier for one of her important missions. Once he finished he went to stand, but turned his head when he saw Leon catch his wrist and pull him back onto the table seat.

"What is it?" Y/n asked him shyly, confused by this interaction.

"Don't just run off because you're finished eating. At least act like you're brave enough to be in here with all of us." He replied, hearing a sigh from the h/c haired male.

"Right..." He leans forward on the table, resting his chin in the palm of his hand as his elbow rests on the table. "So why are you sitting by me? Want to look all buddy buddy with the "rookie?'"

Leon snickered softly, shaking his head with a smirk. "Yeah well, you wish." Y/n smiled, looking down at his other hand. "I'm sitting here because you're in my usual spot."

"Oh..." He bit the inside of his cheek. "Sorry..." He noticed Leon's curious glance out of the corner of his eye.

"It's alright, you're new here so I'll let it slide for now." He calmly ate next to the male as more people talked. "Seems like everyone's interested in your memory loss."

"Yeah... I'm not exactly a fan..." Leon paused, setting his spoon down to turn to the male. His brow creased with interest, signaling the male to continue. "I mean... I just want to live my life and get over this... but it's all everyone in this rooms been muttering about for the passes ten minutes!" His small outburst caused the whole room to go dead silent, all eyes on him.

Leon cleared his throat, "would you like me to beat their asses to give them something else to talk about?" Y/n laughed shyly, smiling a little.

"That might actually help, so sure." The people that were directly next to them scurried from the room like rats caught with cheese in their paws. Y/n sighed again. "Thanks... Leon..."

"No problem."

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