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Y/n lovingly rubbed the back of Leon's nape, pulling the male as close as humanly possible. Despite the loud roaring of the engine they both felt silence thicker than fog. Almost as if they were being suffocated. "You're probably just tired..." Y/n offered up, trying to help him sort it out. "Maybe your nightmare made it so you didn't get good sleep..."

"But I woke up feeling normal..." Leon replied cooly, brow creasing as he thought. "Your legs are surprisingly great pillows..." The compliment caused the shorter male's face to burn a bright pink as he bit his lower lip. "Maybe I was scared because I had a dream about cuddling them... or something..." Leon confessed anxiously.

Y/n smiled at him and broke off into a fit of laughter, falling off of the male's lap. "A dream about cuddling my legs? That's not something to get so upset about~" And his laughter continued. Leon watched him laugh as anger and another emotion bubbled violently in his stomach.

"It's not funny..." Leon barked, seeing the male's face change to awkwardness. The tension filled the air thick, almost suffocating as the two stared into the other's eyes. "I feel things differently than you do... and I was being serious..." Y/n's eyes softened, his head hanging low. "Maybe we should just stick to friends for a while... until we know more about each other.." Y/n's heart ached hearing this, but understood since the two weren't technically together anyway.

"Right... yes of course..." He stood up and found a seat across from Leon, peering out the window quietly. Though he missed the longing look in Leon's eyes as the dirty blonde turned to the window. Both men remained quiet for the duration of the ride, Y/n looking at his hands quietly. Once they landed Y/n got up and stepped out of the helicopter first.

He went straight towards the elevator and stepped inside, but this time held the door open for Leon to join him. After a moment the dirty blonde did, staring into his eyes for a brief moment. It grew silent as they traveled down, Leon's phone buzzing in his pocket and he pulled it out. Once the doors opened the two stepped out, Leon walking ahead and away from the male while watching his phone with interest.

Y/n walked the corridor in silence, his arms swaying back and forth quietly. He approached Hunnigan, who gave him a warm welcome back hug. She explained what he had missed and the male found it all funny. She explained that she may have something to send him on soon, but that she didn't have much details to go off of just yet.

He nodded and stretched his arms, "I have some news for you." She began, Y/n's left brow raising slightly as he turned his head to see her. "We were given a request for you to be transferred over to the B.S.A.A. We were told they found you in that mansion and wanted to see how well we've trained you. If they like how we did they'll want to keep you in their ranks."

At first his lips parted to protest, but overhearing Leon's flirting with a woman on his phone was enough to push the male to accept. "Sure, when do I leave?" Hunnigan sent him an approving smile.

"In a month, so you'll need to train further and hone your skills. They're putting you up against their finest agent." She explained, and the male nodded.

"I won't let you down." He spoke confidently and walked away with her, past the dirty blonde with neither the male or female sending him a glance. "Is there anything you can tell me about this agent?"

She pursed her lips briefly as she placed her hand on the door to the training section of the building. "Well..." She began calmly, "He's one of the founders." She lamented. "And he's got plenty of training." Y/n bit the inside of his cheek and nodded shyly. He stepped inside with her and wrapped his hands, getting into a fighting stance. "You'll need another person to fully test your abilities so we can evaluate your hand to hand."

Y/n nodded and began cracking his neck and arms while he waited. Hunnigan spoke through the headset on her ear and soon enough three other agents entered the room. There was the newest member, joined after Eren had, named Zoey who anxiously fumbled with her hands. "Why am I here exactly? I'm new."

"We'll evaluate you both. Two birds with one stone." Hunnigan explained and she made a little nod and chose Kate to train her. The two got to work quickly while Y/n eyes his opponent. She was a dark haired woman, shoulder length brown hair. Her brown eyes bore into the male's with interest as she got into an offensive stance. Y/n moved his legs apart and made himself appear more defensive. They watched each other quietly before Hunnigan spoke again. "Go."

With that the woman charged him, and their "fight" began. Hunnigan stood on the side, writing down the different techniques either group showed. Impressed by Y/n's ability to recover from nearly any blow made her wonder where he got the strong pain tolerance. Half an hour later and Eren and gotten the woman to the ground, both covered in a thin layer of sweat and staring each other down.

The tension in the room shattered like thin glass when Y/n burst out into a fit of laughter. He fell to the ground on his ass as his chest convulsed with joy. The woman sighed and stood upright, dusting herself off and offering the male a hand. "I don't believe you and I have met yet. I'm Helena Harper."

Y/n slipped his hand in hers and was pulled to his feet with ease. "I'm Y/n Farron. It's nice to get to meet who almost beat my ass." The two shared cheeky grins as they turned to Hunnigan, who nodded proudly at their interaction.

"You did well, but we should hone your defense." Hunnigan explained, turning to the door as Leon peeked his head inside.

"I'm gonna head out of the building for the night, I'll report to you in the morning." Before the woman could protest he was already gone and halfway down the hallway. Y/n shook his head, messing with the wraps on his hands calmly.

"What a weirdo." Y/n spoke up after a moment, looking over at his hands as he unwrapped them. "Always running off to somewhere."

"Probably to try and meet up with his girl." Kate snickered, gaining the male's attention.

"His girl?" He questioned.

"He used to talk about her a lot, but he said she died in Raccoon. But when he came home from his last mission he said she turned up alive and the two have been flirting over the phone since then." Kate explained and Y/n felt a distaste enter the pit of his stomach. Yet like a strong-willed male he pushed that aside and simply smiled.

"Good for him." He replied casually, though deep down he was confused and slightly hurt. "Hone my defense huh?" He turned to Helena again, who nodded at him and got back into an offensive stance. "Best two out of three?" He asked, watching her smile a little and nod. "Bring it on." He added with a confident grin, getting into a defensive stance.

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