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Leon and Jill were the first to awaken, seeing themselves in the same places they fell. Jill held her head and looked around, calling for the missing male. His heart began to race as he saw the front door wide open and Hunnigan speaking to Chris. Jill began getting up, Leon helping her as they approach the two. Hunnigan holds her hand up to tell them to wait, them exchanging glances. So Leon searches. Jill searches. And they find the note that the kidnappers left for them. Sitting center, neatly aligned with the old mail.

Hello Leon. I don't think we've ever met. But we don't need to. All you need to know is we'll be taking very good care of them. You don't need to worry or care about them any longer.


Leon and Jill exchanged horrified looks. "Albert Wesker..." She trailed. "I thought Chris killed him in Africa!"


Her eyes narrowed. "Leon. We need to get out of here."

"Jill? Leon?"

"Leon we have to go. Now." The two met eyes and both blondes fled quickly and silently out of the back door in the kitchen. To Leon's car parked expertly to hide it from Chris. Should he have shown up anyway. They climbed into the car and Leon started it, seeing Chris shoot out the back and spot them. He furrowed his brow as they took off down the road.

"So Boss, where we heading?"

"Africa." Jill answered quickly. "Specifically back to that lab."

"It'll be dangerous. Sure you're up for this?"

She looked at him through the mirror. "Always." And as much as Leon hates planes, he let Jill drag him into one. If not for her sake, than for his Lover's.

They awoke in a dimly lit room, a fireplace across from them crackling. Their head aches as they stumbled to their feet. Looking around to find themself alone, brow furrowing as they looked at the stone walls. "H-Hello?" His voice echoed and sent a wave of anxiety through his body. He stumbled forward and opened the door, seeing white walls and tiles so clean his reflection bounced into every surface around. It made the lump grow more in his throat as he bit the insides of his cheeks.

He stepped into the hallway, glancing both ways before heading left. As he opened that door he saw a set of cameras and in various rooms. Grabbing the small handbook he began writing the rooms and taking the map pinned to the cork board. His heart was racing as he put them both in his back pocket. There wasn't anything of use nearby so he walked back into the room he woke up in, examining the room more closely. On one of the rocking chairs set in the corner, angled to watch the cozy wooden table in the center of the room where he had been, was a little key with an Umbrella logo on the top. As well as a letter greeting him and explaining they're glad to have their team Captain back.

His heart ached at the names he saw at the bottom. His team was alive and they were here. Would they follow him out of this hellhole? Or would they stop him? He frowned and pocketed the key before noticing the small holster and pistol on the edge of the table. His hand shakily grabbed onto it, attaching it to his right thigh and putting the gun away. He looked around carefully, seeing nothing else of interest except for a small medical box that he put into his right back pocket. He stepped out of the room and breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad?

"You're finally awake."

It's safe to say the plane landed. Crash landed, but it landed nonetheless. They missile caught them off guard as they stumbled out of the crash. Jill held onto her side as did Leon, getting into the wood line before slumping down against some trees to rest. "You alright?" He asked her, seeing her nod and let her hand fall into her lap.

"You?" She returned the question.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm good. Let's rest for a minute and then try and figure out where we landed..."

"Right on course." The voice made them jump, turning to face a blonde haired man. His slicked back locks looked like they were flattened that way permanently. "It's been quite some time, hasn't it Jill?"

"Not nearly enough." She answered with a snarl. "Where is he?"

"I don't know who you're talking about." Wesker answered, adjusting his glasses. Leon could see the faint glow of orange and yellow from behind the dark tint. So this was him. The infamous Albert Wesker.

"You know who we're talking about!" She answered, taking a furious step forward before Leon grabbed her bicep.

"Careful." He whispered, seeing her anger bubbling up and down at the same time. She wasn't just angry, she was terrified. In truth she wished Chris was there to fill them with confidence. But he wasn't and wouldn't be for a long while.

Meanwhile the male was in a training room, watching as a member of his team attacked a dummy with his bare hands. His brow was furrowed. They had brought him into the room graciously, greeting him like no time was lost between them, and maybe in their case there wasn't any. But to him, it had been far too long. He sat down on the bench to watch as the other two in his team entered and greeted him with spine crushing hugs.

"It's been too long..." He suddenly began. "I barely remember this part of me."

"We'll help you remember, Cap!" The woman smiled, beaming with utter glee.

"You guys..." He began with a smile. "Parker," The smaller male stood straight and smiled. "Alexander..." The male saluted. "Ava Cohen..." She smiled warmly at him, seeing the familiar shine in his eyes. "I wish I could be as excited as you, but we're reunited under the wrong circumstances..." He saw each of their smiles turn to frowns and swallowed the lump in his throat, knowing they've got him in his little corner surrounded.

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