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They had let Wesker take them hostage, but were confused when they were put in a different plane. Where were they going now? It took them higher up in Europe than was expected. They arrived to an air base and were shocked to see a small team of people standing on the helipad, Leon's lover being one of them. Arms crossed over his chest and a dull look in his eye. As the door opened and the two were dragged out, forced to their knees in front of the male. Leon saw the worry flash in his eyes.

"Why are you here?" His voice was soft, but stern. "I'm fine."

"I don't think you're fine..." Leon answered softly, eyes softening as he watched him.

"Well," He gently held onto Leon's chin. "I'm fine now."

"Why are you acting like..." Jill trailed off when she saw the quick, anxious glance from the male. So she turned her head to Wesker. "What are you gonna do? Kill us?" Leon couldn't take his eyes off of them, looking like a lost puppy in a sea of monsters. His lover stared back at him lovingly.

Leon couldn't fool anyone with how much he enjoyed the power play here. His lover hovering over him and him being on his knees tied up to the teeth. He swallowed thickly and looked up at him, before watching him turn his attention to the blonde haired man. "I don't want them harmed, Wesker." He sounded professional, the three behind him stood with arms crossed over their chests and a scowl on their faces. He had told them everything. They were heavily upset with Leon for everything he had done, but respected their Captain's wish for him to be left alone.

"And why would that matter to me?"

"I'm one of the best agents you got."

"You lost that when you fell." Wesker retorted and the males eyes sharpened.

"Oh yeah?" He let out a breathy, irritated chuckle. "That's rich comin' from you. The volcano burn some of your hair gel?" The woman gently placed her hand on his shoulder and he turned to her.

"Let it go Captain... Sir I think we should listen to him. These two don't seem like they'll be any harm considering their track records." Jill lowered her gaze to the ground, remembering the events of Africa. The male sighed.

"Those aren't track records. They are things that happened that no one could control."

"Like your acceptance in being back so quickly?" Wesker added, seeing the smaller male bite the inside of his cheek. Leon turned to the slick backed blonde and then Jill. He leaned over and quietly whispered to her.

"We gotta get outta here."

"No..." Her softened tone confused him.


"We can't leave him here..."

"We'll come back." He reasoned. "We will."

"We can't let him escape again." She spoke, lifting her head to meet the blonde's eyes. "This has to end here."


"All of it."

Chris sighed softly as he sat in a dimly lit room. Hunnigan paced the length of it, reciting things she knew about Leon while he mentioned things about Jill. Why they'd run off together, he had no idea. All he knew is that they needed to find them before Wesker did. He stopped the woman by placing his hands on her arms. "We need to calm our nerves if we're going to get anywhere."

She sighed and fixed her glasses on her nose. "You're right. There's three people involved in this and we need to get them out."

"And make sure we neutralize anyone against us when we get there."

"But all we have is a random set of coordinates and woman in a long flowing red cloak gave us. But that's it. Nothing strong to go on."

Chris thought about it before shrugging. "Maybe we should trust this mystery woman. Just this once." He thought about all the reports on Leon's missions. Almost every single one had a detailed description of Ada. This woman couldn't seem to stay away from him. His brow creased as he thought to himself. "But why would Wesker want to get ahold of him?"


"No, his boyfriend. One of my men." Hunnigan smiled, hearing Chris refer to them as his soldier after everything that had happened made her feel better. She knew she could leave him with him. Her eyes scanned the coordinates before she sighed.

"We have this. We need to make careful plans."

"I got a team, just gotta make a few calls." His confidence made the butterflies in her stomach worse, feeling almost faint as she sat down.

"Who's the first?"

"Sheva Alomar."

Leon opened his eyes and turned to Jill, who was sitting idly by the fireplace. "There's a reason we're free roaming. And I don't like it."

"None of these people are mutated. I don't even see a sign saying they are. All of these men and women are alive and healthy as horses." Leon reasoned.

"Maybe that's it. He wants to make it seem like he's a good man. We need to find a way out of here. We need to take him down."

"I get it, but my lover's life is at stake here. What if he stops us?"

"He wouldn't do that." The feminine voice caught them off guard, Leon turning like a lost puppy to its source. Ada stood, leaned against the doorway in a floor length red dress. Her lips were lined with a matte, mauve color and pulled up in a smirk. "Miss me?"

"Ada...?" He couldn't believe his eyes. As stunning as she looked, he was more confused as to why she was there. She stepped into the room, her heels clicking softly against the ground until she stood inches away. He swallowed thickly as she bent down slightly to grab his chin in her cool, slender hands.

"Looks like you've seen a ghost."

Leon couldn't find words to express, staring at her confused and with awe before Jill pushed her back gently, hand resting on the woman's stomach. "Listen." Jill began, tone soft. "I don't know if you knew or not, but Leon's a one person type of guy."

"And don't I know it." She smirked wider, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well he's found his one person."

"Oh? That what he told you?" Jill turned to Leon, eyes blazing over with slight rage.

"Leon? What's she hinting at?"

"Oh I don't mean any harm by it, nothings happened between us. Leons made sure of that. He's been quite a good boy for this mystery woman of his."

"He's not..." Leon glanced shyly at the fireplace. "He's not a woman... He's my boyfriend..."

"Boyfriend?" The two of them saw the genuine curiosity in her eyes turn to delight. "That's very cute."

"You... you're not even jealous?"

"Why would I be? You deserve to be happy, no matter who it is." Ada's answer shocked him, as he stood from the chair. They heard talking from outside of the room as a child stepped inside, holding onto a little rabbit. Her gaze was aimed towards the floor as she sat by the fire.

Leon went to greet her before his lover shot into the room like a rocket, stumbling forward until he fell to his knees directly behind her. "It's you..."

"You came back and got me." The little girl answered genuinely. "Then those scary men took you away. But then a really nice woman brought me here."

"I... I see... was she alone?"

"No..." The little girl turned and at first she appeared eyeless, then her milky white eyes were revealed. "She had two other men with her."

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