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Once Y/n was settled in Blaze took him to the mess hall building where the two grabbed dinner and sat alone together in the corner. A few minutes later and a few people approached them, staring the male down. "Is this the new recruit?" A tall, decently muscular man asked Blaze.

The brunette nodded and gestured to Y/n. "Y/n this is Chris Redfield, the man who's going to be testing you out tomorrow."

"That sounds overtly sexual Blaze..." Y/n mumbled awkwardly. Chris laughed softly and shook his head and sat down.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person Y/n. I look forward to working with you." He spoke as a woman sat down beside him. "This is Jill, she's also my partner in work."

They shook hands before Y/n went back to finishing his food. "I look forward to working with you as well Mr. Redfield. I feel that I have much to learn from you and your team." He spoke confidently, seeing the cheeky grin Chris returned him.

"So how was working where you were?" Blaze asked, wanting to be part of the conversation once again.

"It wasn't so bad. In the beginning my partner hated me, but then he got so attached he didn't want me to leave at first!" He smiled playfully. They talked for a few minutes before the duo of boys walked to their room and went to bed. Y/n stayed up for a little before falling asleep.

Meanwhile a specific dirty blonde held his phone in his hand, biting his lip as he thought worriedly about his lover. His heart aches even if the male hadn't been gone for too terribly long. Leon turned and walked back inside, joining Hunnigan as she had him file reports with her. When he finally went to bed he felt relieved to find a goodnight from his lover.

In the morning Y/n woke up, stretching tiredly and looking around the dark room. He remembered the fight he would have and got up, beginning to practice. As he prepares he notices a figure moving towards him in the shadows, but knows it's Blaze as the towering male puts his hands up. "Gotta know how to fight with disadvantage."

"That for me or you? Because I can see just fine!" Y/n smirked, having experience from the pitch black water-filled place he'd been in. He threw a punch, which hit Blaze's shoulder. The brunette hissed and caught Y/n's next punch. He flipped the shorter male over and onto the ground. The air escaped his lungs and made the male feel like he just met god, temporarily getting up after a moment. He put his hands up and became defensive as Blaze charged him.

Blaze threw a punch towards him and Y/n used that as a moment to curl around and flip him over. Blaze's back collides with the wall and he gasps softly, chuckling after a moment. "You're getting smarter."

"Seems more like you're just getting dumber~" Y/n teased playfully, running and jumping to kick him in the chest. Blaze, who can barely see Y/n in the dark, barely dodged. This led to the
h/c haired male hitting the bed with a soft, 'oof!' Blaze chuckled to himself and went to throw another punch, only to freeze up when the light of the room was turned on from his left.

Y/n sat up and rubbed his shoulder, turning to see Chris and Jill staring at them awkwardly from the doorway. "What are you two doing?"

"Practicing..." Blaze grumbled, rubbing his back.

"I thought you two were fucking in here or something..." Chris spoke, shaking his head.

Y/n couldn't help him, bursting into the loudest fit of laughter Blaze had ever heard. He couldn't help but snicker as his friend laughed. Chris sighed, holding onto the bridge of his nose while Jill started to laugh. She placed her hand over her mouth to cover it, but it was obvious it amused her greatly. Several more people approached the outside of the room, curious to find out what the laughing was about.

Chris had left the three laughing loudly in the room, Y/n smacking his leg and crying softly as he tried to calm down. He would need his energy for his fight with Chris today. He slowly calmed down, still being a little giggly before finally being able to catch his breath. He breathed in heavily while Blaze collapsed to the floor with his laughter, Jill nearly following if nothing for her grip on the doorframe.

After about an hour of laughing the three of them went and got food, calming down more and regaining the energy they had lost. Y/n picked up his phone and looked at it calmly, smiling to himself.

Y/n: Good morning~

Leon slowly opened his eyes, groaning tiredly as he rolled onto his stomach. His bare back peeked out from under the blanket as he turned on his phone, reading the message quietly before smiling slightly.

My Asshole: Mornin'

Y/n: How was sleeping alone?
The male quickly changed Leon's name, not liking the nickname he had set originally.

Love: Surrounded by your scent? It was okay...

Y/n: You're sleeping in my room?

Love: Half naked in your room actually. I feel like cuddling...

Y/n smiled sweetly.
Y/n: Cuddle one of my pillows.

Love: It just isn't the same.
Leon sighed softly and sat up, getting up and stretching. Hunnigan was going to be talking to him about the next person he would be working with and he was already bored. And he wasn't even there yet! He looked at his phone and smiled, sighing softly.

Y/n: My poor baby~

Love: Some cuddles would be nice~

Y/n: If only I were there~

Love: Mm yes, you could save me from Hunnigan's speech about my new partner...

Y/n: Poor little Leon~

Love: Yeah yeah, good luck with your fight. I gotta go before she comes searching for me. Love ya darling

Y/n's heart melted and a smile absentmindedly found his lips, curling up with bliss. He ate some of his food before noticing the other two's looks of curiosity. "It's my boyfriend~" Jill nodded, smiling invitingly to the male.

"Tell him we said hi!" She beamed and Y/n nodded.

Y/n: Love you too dear~ Blaze and Jill said hi~
He set his phone down and continued eating, finishing his food and stretching.

Leon set his phone down and got dressed, yawning quietly as he went to join Hunnigan in the mess hall.

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