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(The beginning of this chapter randomly deleted which is so sad, like this whole one was gonna be about Leon dealing with his grief... AHHHHHHHHH. And Wattpad won't save any of my changes so this whole chapter is being written at one singular time!)

There was a soft patter of rain falling against the roof of the house, Leon's eyes half lidded as he sat on the couch beside Jill. The woman sat cross legged on the couch with a large bucket of popcorn overflowing from it. She watched the tv as it played with delight. He sighed and looked away, shaking his head as he leaned back into the soft seat. The last time he sat against this couch he was knocked unconscious, now the home felt like a prison. Tearing apart his insides until he felt like nothing, but an endless pit of sorrow and agony. He could still hear it now, the sound of the beeping filling his ears like church bells screaming into his heart. Sharpening their knives of fate against his heart strings. What if he dies? Will he ever get to hear his voice again? Would he want to see him again? Leon bit the inside of his cheek and tightly closed his eyes, tears falling past despite his attempts to keep them at bay. Oh what he would give to take it all back from the start. To create safety. To make him stay.

Leon opened his eyes to see the male hovering over him, smiling down at him curiously. "Hello. Hunnigan told me I might find you here." The male's name left Leon's lips faster than he could comprehend. "I see you did your research, Agent Kennedy."

"But...?" His brow furrowed together as the male pulled the blonde up to his feet.

"Are you hungry? I found the mess hall. All by myself too. Isn't that great?" He could feel the male's warm palm against his right bicep and felt his heart skip a beat.

"I'm so proud of you.." He spoke quietly under his breath, feeling tears beginning to fill his eyes. "I just miss you so much.."

"What?" He saw the confusion in the male's eyes, seeing him smile shyly.

"What year is it exactly?"

"Um, two thousand and three. I just got assigned to you for my training missions. I thought you read the report?" They asked, tilting their head to the side like a lost puppy.

"I never got a report about you. You were a surprise to me. The greatest surprise I have ever gotten, even though I didn't know it back then."

"You're a strange man, Leon. But I'll take what I can get." He smiled more and dragged the male along with him. As they entered the cafeteria Leon's breath caught in his throat. Ada stood at one of the tables in her knee length red dress and matching red heels, talking to Kate. He watched her in utter horror as she turned to face him and waved towards him in a flirty manner. He pursed his lips and managed a sneer sent her way as he looked away, watching his "lover" walk towards the woman and hug her with a grin. "You made it."

"For you? I'd take all the time in the world to be by your side."

"W-what?" Leon uttered, unable to take his eyes off of them.

"Aw that's so sweet of you Ada, I'm so glad you were there for me when I had nobody by my side." Leon's eyes softened.

"She's like family..." He mumbled, stepping closer to them as Ada turned to look at him. She smiled warmly at him, pushing him back lightly by his shoulder.

"Don't get him killed okay? I'll wring your neck otherwise." She spoke so confidently that it caused the male to hesitate.

"I won't.." He looked away and walked to his usual table and took a seat without food, perplexed by everything happening around him. This wasn't on his plans for the past week. He saw a plate be placed in front of him. "What?"

He turned and saw the male smiling back at him, "Can't train me to fight monsters on an empty stomach, can you?"

"No... I suppose not. I'm sorry." He shook his head. "I'm not used to working with others. I'm best when left alone."

"That's okay, I totally get it." He answered cheerily.

"Why are you acting all nice? You should hate me." Leon suddenly blurted out without realizing it.

"Why would I hate you?" That question reverberated through his brain like a bullet straight to his temple. "Leon? Leeeeeon?"

He startled awake, Jill with her hands on his biceps looking worriedly at him. "Sorry, you seemed to be having some sort of nightmare."

"Yeah..." He nodded, believing that it was some cruel twist of fate.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"No... No I...." He turned his attention to the door when it opened, a man rubbing his eyes tiredly. Leon stood up as fast as a bullet, bringing Jill to her feet in an instant. "You..."

"Leon?" The male asked, brow furrowed with confusion. "What are you doing in my house?"

"You're awake!" Jill exclaimed, rushing over and taking the male to the ground outside of the house, straight into the puddle at the bottom of the entryway. Leon rushed over and crushed the two in his arms in the tightest hug he's ever done in his life.

He couldn't help the shaky, "I thought I lost you forever again..." Whisper from his lips as tears fell from his eyes. Disguised by the rain pelting their bodies and causing shivers to run up their spines. "It's cold... Let's get you inside." Leon helped them both up and brought them back inside, sitting his lover on the couch while he made some hot tea. As he brought it to the male he noticed the tiredness of the male, frowning. "When did you get out of the hospital?"

"Just a few minutes ago. I woke up all of a sudden and the nurse was telling me I was good to go and that I needed to leave immediately. It was super strange." He answered, stretching his tired muscles. "I thought it was odd."

"That is weird." Jill added, all of them exchanging glances before the male took the tea from Leon and drank the hot liquid inside with one large gulp.

"Thanks, I've been super thirsty since I woke up." He stood up and suddenly entered the kitchen, picking up the home phone and dialing a number. Jill and Leon exchanged the most confused glances before entering the kitchen to watch the male with interest. "You guys okay?"

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