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"Night..." Y/n mumbled as he opened his eyes. Thunder and lightning erupted around them as they approached a castle-like mansion. Guns at the ready as they got closer. He looked between Chris and Jill as they nodded to each other. His eyes softened as he watched how easily they worked together, almost feeling left out as they began unlocking the front doors.

Chris reached up after putting his gun down, beginning to talk. "Chris to HQ, come in. We're at the targets location."

"Copy that, Chris. Move in and procure the target."

"Roger that."

"What can you tell us about the area?" Jill asked, working the lock.

"The satellite scan isn't showing anything out of the ordinary, but regardless, you should expect the unexpected."

"Understood." She replied, nearly finished. Soon after she finished and Y/n approached, getting ready for the two to enter first. "We're in."

"Let's move." With that the two opened the doors and aimed their guns to the sides of the main room while Y/n scanned the front with his gun. With nowhere to go they start to the left double doors, but find them locked from within.

They walk towards the stairs and go to the space under them, Y/n looking around with pure interest. They find a spot where a strange mechanism was missing its piece. Y/n traced his fingers around it and narrowed his eyes. He turned and saw Chris nod to him to continue searching the building. Y/n stepped up the stairs and went back into the main hall, deciding to try the doors that were originally to their right.

Chris pulled a lever and Y/n stopped, hand on the door as e turned. He noticed the gates had been unlocked and began ascending the main floors stairs. His gun rested peacefully in the holster on his thigh, which he relaxed as he looked around where he could.

Chris and Jill went to join him when loud thunder crackled, a bloodied corpse falling just inches in front of their feet. Y/n's eyes widened as he stood at the very top, unsure of the scene before him. The two hardened people joined him at the top and tested the gate on the right side of the stairs while Y/n stood by the one on the left. He opened it curiously and Jill soon joined his side, pointing to a ledge on the other end.

"Can you toss me over?" She asked him calmly, head turned in his direction. Y/n met her eyes and nodded as he crouched down, cupping his hands together to properly toss her across the gap.

"Eagle 6 to Nest. Do you read?" Chris asked as he kicked open the other gate.

"We read you, Eagle 6. Go ahead."

"We found some men down. Judging by their wounds it looks like they were physically assaulted. I figure they're probably Spencer's security. Lord only knows what killed them." Chris spoke as he walked curiously down a hallway. After Y/n helped Jill across she told him to join Chris, which he did quickly.

"Roger that. We knew this mission wouldn't be a cakewalk. Use extreme caution." Chris opened a door that led to a small bedroom, ushering Y/n into the room calmly. Y/n looked around, using his special eyes as Chris referred to them. Chris had noticed that ever since Y/n began remembering more and more of his lost memories his body started to change as if he wasn't truly himself until that moment.

The male had grown from being at Blaze's mere chest to being just an inch shorter. His eyes which were once a normal shade of e/c had grown slightly darker and would sharpen like a cats when he analyzed something longer than a normal person.

Y/n paused and looked at the strange, open book. He briefly looked it over, seeing the missing pages. He began flipping through the ones that were there, reading them aloud to himself and Chris. They heard floorboards creak and turned their heads to the door as Jill quietly stepped inside. "I opened the door." She explained calmly, walking over to look around Y/n to read the journal curiously. Y/n backed away to give her space as he searched in more detail.

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