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They had gone quiet for a little, Leon's shaky hands helping Y/n pack his stuff so that they would have more time to talk. Soon they finished and Leon sat back down on the bed, "You mean a lot to me... I wish I had realized that earlier..."

Y/n smiled calmly, "You know, from a prick who didn't like me to a man in the beginning stages of puppy love. You've grown a lot Leon. I admire that..." He sat down on the bed, a few inches between their bodies. "So... What now?"

"I don't know..." Leon answered anxiously. "I... I want to try, but... You'll be gone tomorrow... a-and what if it doesn't work out long distance?" Y/n watched as Leon's chest slowly began to rise and fall faster and faster.

"Leon..." Y/n began, touching his hand. Leon stopped, his body relaxing at the males mere touch. "We can try... if you really want to... but you'll need to relax... okay?"

Leon sucked in a breath and nodded, taking     Y/n's hands in his. "Yeah... sorry... I'm not sure what came over me..." He watched him shyly, seeing the male's brow furrowed as he pulled Leon into a soft hug. The dirty blonde hummed and pulled him as close as he could, burying his face in the males shoulder. Y/n protested, but relaxed after a moment.

The two held each other quietly for a moment. "But..." Y/n began anxiously. "What about her?" Leon's eyes opened and he looked around the floor as he squeezed the male closer.

"I won't fall for her bullshit anymore... don't worry..." Leon reassured, determination shining in his eyes. He felt Y/n's head nod as he leaned his head on the taller male's.

"I trust you..." He replied calmly, thinking to himself about it. He pulled back after a moment, sleep slowly falling on his features. "I'm a little tired..." Leon's eyes softened and he laid back on the bed, Y/n laying loosely on his chest. They exchanged a quiet look before Y/n turned his head and laid it on Leon's chest. A moment after and then male had fallen asleep.

Leon found himself smile slightly, "Goodnight..." He whispered and Y/n nuzzles closer. He pulled the cover over them and trusted himself to sleep.

A few hours later and Leon's brow furrowed as a nightmare swarmed his mind. He let out soft whimpers and weakly tossed and turned. The shorter male had woken up after a second of it and worriedly tried to comfort Leon. He gently cradled the males head in his chest, hushing him gingerly.

The blondes shoulders slowly relaxed and he sighed softly, holding onto Y/n's shirt and keeping him as close as possible. The male watched him wearily before falling back asleep with the male next to him. He thought he heard movement in the room and his eyes shot open, scanning his surroundings. His eyes narrowed in a cat-like fashion, looking around the dark room. Finally, he deducted it was just his bag falling over and went back to bed.

When the alarm blared Leon's eyes shot open and he gripped tighter onto the male. Y/n softly yawned and rambled incoherently to Leon. At first the dirty blonde thought it had been babbling and listening further proved that he had been right. Y/n babbles softly in his sleep and the male found it endearing. He nervously leaned over and kissed the top of the males head.

"Y/n it's time to get up." He began, gingerly rolling them over so he could shut off the alarm. "Y/n~ Don't make me tickle you~" He tensed up when he was returned with an angry, very unmorning person glare. "Oh my~" He teased softly, kissing his head again. This made the glare lessen and the male sleepily blink. "It's time to get up..." He frowned. "Let's get breakfast before you go... okay?"

Y/n saw the pleading in Leon's eyes. His damned blue eyes that the male practically drowned in no matter how angry he got. He nodded, not wanting to make him too sad. Leon got up and stretched, which the other male did as soon as he could bring himself to leave the bed.

The two grabbed their things, Y/n slinging his backpack onto his back and putting his phone in his back pocket. Leon merely touched his phone when he got a message. His brow furrowed and he read it, scoffing a minute afterwards. "Is it Hunnigan?" The shorter male asked softly.

Leon shook his head, "Ada. But don't worry." He blocked her number and physically showed the male. "I'm not interested." Y/n shook his head and rolled his eyes with a shy smile.

"Simp~" The h/c haired male teased, watching as Leon gasped and placed a hand on his chest as his face tinted pink.

"I most certainly am not!" Leon retorted.

"Aw man this bags a little heavy~"

"Do you want me to carry it for you?" Leon leapt to offer, further proving Y/n's point. "Oh... I see..." He chuckles dryly and wraps an arm around the male's shoulder. "Eh that's fine by me." He smiled at the male, who laughed softly and nodded.

"Does this mean I'll get spoiled?"

"Not all the time~" Leon replied and the two shared and innocent, loving stare. The taller of the two blinked and looked away first, leading the way to the mess hall. Y/n walked behind him, watching the way Leon's hair seemed to fluff up and bounce slightly as he walked. He found this cute. He picked up his pace to walk beside Leon.

"And we'll keep in touch?" He asked shyly, the male nodding.

"As often as possible. I'll tell you before every of my missions and immediately when I'm done with mine." Y/n nodded and smiled.

"I'll do the same." He returned, nudging Leon's arm with his elbow.

"You fucking better~"


Leon stopped at the mess hall doors and turned to the male. "You promise?"

He laughs and nods. "I promise. Now do you?"

"Heh yeah... I promise."

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