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The date, to say the least. Was amazing. Leon was well behaved and sweet the entire time, kissing Y/n's hands. He would smile at the little things he said and Y/n spotted a neediness in Leon for physical touch. Had them being apart for so long sparked that? He'd happily oblige if it meant making Leon happy.

Currently the two lay on the couch, Leon's head resting on Y/n's chest as he listened to their beating heart. The tv was playing a little tv cartoon that had caught their attention and like little kids forgot everything else they were doing. Leon had started to fall asleep while Y/n ran a hand through his hair. Everything became peaceful until a thundering knock sounded on the door.

It unlocked and the male knew it was Jill, but Leon had been startled awake and wrapped closer onto his lover. Jill stumbled inside and rushed to the male, pushing Leon slightly aside to hug him. "J-Jill? What happened?"

"I had a nightmare... it was horrible..." She answered, tightly holding him in her arms. "Chris had died..." He sighed and comforted her, turning to Leon.

"You've met Jill," he began and the woman realized she'd interrupted their moment and felt horrible for it. "She's been my closest friend for a while." He walked her to the kitchen and gave her some tea. He calmed her and she explained the nightmare. It was one he'd heard a lot, where they were back in the mansion. Where she didn't get to Wesker in time and he'd killed Chris. It didn't help that the man didn't come to visit her for a while. He made a note to chew him out over it.

Leon stepped into the room curiously, sitting down at the table by the woman. "I could call Chris if that would out your mind at ease...?"

"No it's alright.. I know he's fine... he's too stubborn to die..." She answered honestly. "It's just my mind playing tricks on me." She continued and took a sip of the nerve calming tea. "I'm sorry to interrupt on your plans..."

"Nah it's perfectly fine." Leon answered before his lover could open his mouth. "I'm glad we're were home to help. We'd gotten home only an hour ago anyway."

"You seem like a good guy Leon. I'm glad Y/n has someone like yourself." She spoke.

"If you'd met me in the very beginning when he did you wouldn't think that. I actually begged Hunnigan to play it like I was sick so I could come and see him today." Leon spoke. "I treated him horribly when we first met... but... I've grown and changed from that dumbass I was before." He saw the little shy smile find the males lips and smiled himself. "And I've fixed the mistakes I've made."

"That's admirable. I wish Chris would be like that... But ever since Y/n and I disappeared he doesn't visit much... not even to check up on us..."

"I'll chew him out for it."

"Chris used to come to me before anyone else to join him on missions... and after almost losing me he won't let me even try to go out to help... I'm shocked that even Y/n can't go out."

"Y/n almost died on his very first mission."

"On my very first mission I lost several of my fingers." He answered honestly.

"What? No...? You were hit repeatedly by a monster."

"Then dragged into the water after I nearly broke every bone in my body..." He spoke so calmly it unnerved them two. "I'm talking about where I was found Leon... I... I remembered how I got there. Why I was in the water. I was sent there on a mission to locate and destroy a dangerous BOW... but I wasn't told that upfront until it was too late and I was separated from my group."

"Oh my god..." Jill whispered, looking at him anxiously. "You don't have to tell us Y/n..."

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