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"Leon?" The male asked, seeing the longing and confusion held within Leon's stunning blue eyes. He began to get lost had Leon's next question not been the rope that caught him.

"Why are you after Simmons?"

"Because he started this? I just said that Leon."

"No... That's you're excuse. Why are you hunting him down?" The duo watched the males face change and twist as he looked away, visibly biting his lip.

"Do I have to explain it right here and now? We don't have much time before he gets away."

Leon sighed, knowing he wasn't getting anything from his lover. "Fine. But once we get to him you're telling us everything, got it?"

"Yes sir." Leon let him go, but not before giving his forearm a soft squeeze. Helena began walking slightly ahead of them when Leon and the male stepped closer to one another. "I know that you're mad at me and an apology won't mean much, but.." He was stopped when Leon cupped his face in his hands and pulled him down to the shorter male's height and in for a passionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around Leon's waist and held the male as close to his chest as he humanly could. As they began to part Leon opened his eyes and staring longingly into the other males.

"I couldn't go another second being mad at you I..." Leon was cut off this time with a warm smile and gentle peck to his lips.

"I missed you so much, I wanted Simmons dead so much when I heard you had died. I never felt more reckless in my life. But now that I know that you..." He held Leon by his shoulders at an arm length away. "Now I know to be careful again. I won't let you go. Not this time."

"Does this mean once we get to Simmons that you'll come with us?" Leon saw the other male's frown and felt his heart sink into his stomach.

"Not quite."

"You said after..."

"Guys come on!" Helena yelled, scolding towards the men who were taking their sweet time in love. As touching as the moment was to her, the memory of her sisters death still haunted her every waking moment. She had to avenge her. Even if it was the last thing she would do. "We don't have time to chit chat."

"Right." Leon tried to hide his expression by putting up a mask, sending his boyfriend a look of hurt as he rejoined the woman.

"Leon." The blonde haired agent continued walking towards the woman, the male sighing and shaking his head. He jogged to catch up to him and lovingly nudged him in the side with his elbow. "Hey?"


"Look I know that you don't like this situation anymore than I do. I don't like going around all the time. I got some loose ends to tie up here with some other people and then I'll come home to you. Wherever that is. You just name a place to see one another and a day and time and I'll be there front and center." He explained and offered as he continued to walk. Leon would have replied had the shadows and screams from a man and a weird beast filled the air. They rushed around the corner to see nothing more than a few dead corpses littered on the ground. "What the hell?" He stepped forward and turned the man around, letting out a loud disgusted noise as he looked at the mutilated face. "Eugh!"

"Something is fishy here." Helena mumbled and Leon nodded, the two going up ahead and finding the door they needed to get through was locked. As they looked at the map that showed where the keys they needed were the large pile of intestines, pig heads, and animal bodies began to convulse until the body of one fell off of the pile and began wiggling as a strange black, worm-like creature emerged from its body.

"What the hell is that?" Leon asked as it quickly formed together to create one big creature.

"Let's not stick around to find out." Helena offered and the two quickly raced around the area to gather the keys. The other male nowhere to be found. Once inside the room they turned seeing the creature angrily hitting the door before a noise dragged away its attention. Leon's heart began to race until his lover raced inside after them and helped blockade the door. "Are you okay?" Leon asked, grabbing a hold of the male's bicep. He turned to look at Leon and smiled.

"For you? I'm always okay." Leon couldn't help but to chuckle at the male's answer, heat rising up his neck.

"I'll think of a place to meet up when we get a second, how's that?"

"Sounds like a date." The male answered and Leon's neck turned pink as the color rose slowly up to his face.

"Yeah alright."


"Huh? Sorry.." The male rubbed the back of his neck and walked past the woman when one of those creatures attacked him, grabbing a hold of him by his shoulders. As the male fought it off of himself he pushed it into a meat grinder and watched as its blood and guts littered the ground and flew up into his face, making him close his eyes tightly as he backed away. When the blood was finished spraying the duo joined him wearily, the male wiping the blood from his face with the inside of his shirt. "Love this for me. How do I look guys?"

"I don't think that red is your color." Helena teased and got a playful smirk sent back at her.

"That's my girl."

"Shut up." She rolled her eyes as the smallest smile found her lips. The first one since all of this started at Tall Oaks. Since her sister died. Her smile turned into a frown as she remembered what had happened and gestured for them to continue. As they entered the open area the duo noticed a woman dressed in blue entering a building. Looking between one another.


"What?" The male turned to Leon, eyes narrowing with confusion. "But she..." He was cut off by Helena.

"Let's follow her." As Leon nodded the duo jogged forward, leaving the male slightly behind.

"But Ada isn't wearing blue..." His eyes softened as he muttered it, running after the two. He joined them as they were just behind the woman. She was turned slightly to face the two of them, the other male going unnoticed. Gun shots rang out heavily and just barely missed the woman as she grappled off. Leon worriedly running to the door, only to find it stuck shut. He raced down the stairs with Helena in tow while the other male stood there, confusion on his face. "What the fuck is happening?" Then it clicked who was on the other side of that door, he kicked it open and had the lasers of two assault rifles aimed at him, hands in the air as he made eye contact with Chris. "Let me help!"

"You better get the fuck down here then!" Chris snarled, the male nodding as he swiftly swung himself over the railing and landed on his hands and knees before the two soldiers.

"Let's go!" The two men raced forward chasing after the doppelganger in blue as the male raced behind them. His missing presence unknown by the other two.

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