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(I've decided to skip passed most of the combat and get towards a more plot moving part)

They had crossed a cavern to get here. Fought several creatures and mutated people to get to this very moment. Standing on a circular lift and killing a spider creature. And as the pod that read for Jill Valentine drew closer and water poured from it. Instead of the blonde haired friend he'd known for years. The body of a h/c male fell into his broad chest and muscular arms.

His body was limp, but warm to the touch as Chris lowered him to the ground. He looked over him and let out a shaky sigh. "You're alive."

"Chris?" Sheva asked, crouching down beside him as Chris pulled the male onto his back.

"Remember what I told you about Jill and Y/n?"

"Yes..." She turned her head away slightly as Chris continued.

"This is him."

After the rest of the events of RE5
Y/n sat in a medical bed, eyes half-lidded as doctors files in and out of the room. Something about a virus planted in a small device. His body felt numb, fingers constantly tingling. He could hear people talking, Chris' voice echoing in the small room.

"I am leaving you both here to rest up and get rid of the rest of the virus dormant in you both." He began and Y/n heard Jill open her mouth to argue. "And until the doctors say you're fit I have no choice but to strip you both of your rights as BSAA operatives."

"Chris you can't do that! I helped start this with you! You can't just-"

"Im doing this for you Jill." Y/n could hear the strain in the brunette's voice. "And for Y/n. Look at him. He's been through so much and so have you. I can't have you putting your necks out there and getting killed while you're weakened."

"Then at least let us get treated from home instead of being locked up in some rinky dink hospital!"

Y/n chuckled weakly and slowly sat himself up, proving himself with his elbows. "I wanna go home too..." His mind was clouded with grogginess that he didn't notice the door slam open and a blonde hair man with a ragged face race in. He felt the light touch of another's hand on his and sleepily turned to meet Leon's eyes.

They remained quiet, staring deeply into one another's eyes like they found the love of their life all over again. Chris and Jill watched in silence as tears brimmed both of their eyes and embraced one another tightly. "I'll never let you go again..." Leon spoke, holding him close to his chest.

"I don't want you to." Y/n replied, breathing in Leon's scent. He noticed a strong, distinct perfume smell that he recognized immediately. His eyes narrowed slightly, but he chose to trust his lover rather than jump to conclusions. And just like that the woman he'd been told about walked into the room with a bundle of flowers in hand.

He looked at her confused as she approached his bedside and set them in a vase on the nightstand. "I brought you some flowers." Her voice was silky like an angels and caused Leon's whole body to tense up with alarm. "Leon thought you had died and couldn't take the pain." Y/n saw the way her brown eyes softened like that of an older sister who grew protective of her much younger siblings. She sat on the edge of the bed and pushed a small strand of h/c hair from his face.


"Ada." She answered shortly, but seemed calm and causal. "And I hope you get better soon, for Leon's sake. He's been beside himself with grief for the passed while now." She sent the smaller, more fragile male a warm smile. "Don't tell him I told you, but..." Leon let go of the male to tune into what she was going to say. "He's a little bit of a baby when he misses you." With that her smile grew and a small one found Y/n's face.

Leon groaned inwardly in embarrassment and looked away, seeing Chris and the blonde haired woman. "What?"

"You're such a baby Leon he's fine." Chris retorted, watching as Leon got up from the bed and stalked towards him.

"Him who you said died under your supervision wi to your own damn partner. Chris. So I don't want to hear any of that bullshit." He poked the taller males chest with his finger as he spoke, anger rising in his throat. Hill sat up in her bed, much easier than the other male had done earlier.

"Boys please don't fight. We need our rest so why don't you three give us some space for a little?" Both men sent her a glance before separating and leaving the room.

"I assume this doesn't truly apply to me?" When she saw Jill nod she relaxed. Ada remained on the bed and watched as Jill carefully walked to sit on the other side of the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired..." He answered honestly. "I remember... everything now."

"That so?" Jill smiled and held onto his hand. "I'm glad you remember everything. Is it something you'd like to talk about?"

"No..." He looked down at his lap for a moment. "I'm not ready to face the truth yet."

"And that's okay."

"I-" He tensed when Ada's slender arms wrapped around his waist and held him to herself.

"I'm really glad you're okay." Y/n felt his heart race in his chest as if it was going to burst out at any moment. "Leon needs you. I need you."

Her words made tears pool at the edges of his saddened e/c eyes. He tried to blink them away as they raced down his cheeks and turned his eyelids puffy and red. He remembered everything. Everyone. Even her.

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