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After a very uneventful sight seeing trip the two wound down in a little park, Y/n look at all the tiny bird that chirped around them. He found himself smiling like a little boy as the little feathery creatures landed next to him either on the bench they sat on or the little walkway in front of himself. Leon watched the male with amusement, seeing how interested the shorter man was.

He saw the way his eyes glew with the rays of the sun. He felt a pang in his heart, checking his phone for the time. "I hate to see you disappointed, but it's almost time for your blood work..." Y/n raised his head, eyes staring softly into Leon's. The dirty blonde found himself enraptured in the innocent, puppy-eyed stare.

He leaned into him, gently holding his hand as he stood up. He pulled him up and led him down the path, back towards the training facility. His soft palm brushed Leon's more rough and calloused hand. He found it curious how the male had no roughness to his hands, but thought it to be because of his younger age.

He breathed in deeply, finding it easier to do now that his heart was reopened for boarding. He watched the male's face twist with innocence and slightly mischief as he began walking calmly beside him. Leon felt how Y/n's hands slowly snakes up to hold onto his arm. He felt the comforted hum that Y/n let out. "Happy?"

"Sad actually... it's so disappointing how much nicer this is with you beside me..." He replied and Leon nodded shyly, gently touching Y/n's hand lovingly. The shorter male turned and smiled as he watched him. They rounded the corner and made it to the entrance of the building, standing there together awkwardly.

Y/n went to step away, but Leon pulled him back. They made eye contact and Leon sent him a reassuring smile. "In case you get nervous during the blood work." The other smiled wider and they stepped inside.

Once it was done the two sat in the mess hall, food in front of them both. Y/n, slightly sluggishly began to eat while Leon watched for a moment. He noted this, but knew that having blood drawn would always make one slightly weaker. He let his mind wander as he lifted the fork to his mouth.

His mind brought him to his time in Spain, the horrors that had awaited him. He shuddered, moving his hand up and rubbing the side of his neck. His vision clouded over as he felt himself going back through all the chaos and pain. He tensed up and widened his eyes as a hand gently touched his arm. He looked over and at first thought he saw Ada, smiling back at him worriedly. He blinked and she was replaced with the even more worried Y/n.

"Y/n..." He whispered, his voice almost hoarse. He smiled anxiously at him. "What's wrong?"

"You suddenly just went quiet and had this look on your face that you're going through something... I wanted to make sure you were okay..." He explained, shyly taking his hand back. Leon nodded, relief overflowing and calming his shot nerves. "You should eat..."

Leon looked down at the food he'd only eaten a bite from, biting the inside of his cheek as he started to push it away. "I'm not hungry anymore..."

"Oh Leon..." He turned his eyes to watch him switch their plates, Y/n's being less full than his own had been. "At least eat that okay? I'm worried about you... you did this in your sleep too...." His eyes softened as he watched Y/n's worry and anxiety. He started eating the food, which he noticed calmed his companion down.

Y/n began to eat what Leon had left on his plate then waited calmly for Leon to finish the much smaller amount he had. Leon was intrigued with Y/n's ability to quickly eat and act as if they didn't eat at all. Y/n fixed his hair, tucking some of the shorter pieces behind his ear. Once the dirty blonde finished the two went and got Y/n packed up and ready to return to their original base.

Leon noticed a nervous skin scratching the male had began to show as they climbed onto the helicopter. "What's wrong?"

"Just the last time we were in one of these I got my shit rocked." Leon laughed softly, remembering Y/n's very first mission. He watched him with interest, touching his arm calmly. He watched as the shorter males eyes sparkled as he rested his head on Leon's shoulder. In a mocking, but purely joking voice Y/n spoke. "Don't touch me, you stink." Leon, for a while since his last mission, laughed softly. Though it sounded like a deep chuckle, it was still comforting to know the males humor hadn't been dampened. Only lowered.

They felt the metal bird lift off the ground, Y/n sitting up to look out the window as Leon watched him for a moment. Soon he too looked out a window and watched as the flew overhead of the glimmering night city. They could see the way the cities lights all over. "What do you think?" He asked the male, seeing the innocent e/c eyes meet his own blue.

"About what?"

"The sight..." He scooted closer, pressing his warm body against the other males as he pointed to a certain spot in the city. "There's the park we went to right there." Y/n looked and smiled warmly. He pointed to his own little spot.

"That's the spot you caught me in earlier~" Leon sighed, smiling as he shook his head.

"Yeah... when I scared you off..." Y/n's happy smile faltered as he heard Leon's tone.

"I-I'm sorry Leon... I-I didn't mean to-" Leon gently pulled the male into his lap and his face into his neck. Leon held him there tightly, Y/n sighing and contently cuddling closer.

"I wish I hadn't been so rude..." He had mumbled softly.

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