72. Punishment For The Pup

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Nat : I play with you for a little bit and when you run back to me with the toy in your mouth, I tell you to drop it.

Y/n : I hear nat tell me to drop my toy so I growl lightly and continue to bite on the toy. I see her raise her eyebrow and say again to drop it. I bark and let my toy go walking to nat and sitting at her feet. I see her bend down and start running her hand through my jet black fur. I lick her cheek and smile when she chuckles. I hear the back door open and see wanda come out when a small smile and her hair wet. I trott over to her and sit at her feet when my head tilted to the side.

Wanda - I smile when you tilt your head, so I say, hi my wolf, why dont we all head inside for a cuddle, hmm? I bend down slightly and lay a soft kiss on your snout.

Y/n - I bark and wag my tail excited for cuddles. I run to the back door and wait for them to come so I can go inside. I watch as they both stand and they hug and kiss each other. I bark loud to tell them to hurry up. I see nat look at me with a raised brow.

Nat - I look at you with a raised brow and say, did you just bark at us? I look to wanda and see her nodding and hear her say, "she did". I shake my head and say, wolf, you do not bark at us. Especially like that. You understand me.

Y/n - I look at the door, ignoring what nat says and try to open the door myself. I jump up using my paw to grab the handle, which makes it fall down and the door opens slightly. I nudge my nose in-between the door and open it while walking inside. I go to my water bowl and take a few drinks and then run into the living room and jump on the furniture.

Wanda - I roll my eyes at how you didn't listen to us and just disregarded us. I lean into nat wanting a cuddle before we yell at you. I feel her arms wrap around me and a soft kiss on the top of my head. I smile lightly and say, I love you nat, I really do but I swear if she disregards us again like that, she is sleeping in her cage for the next day or 2.

Nat - I listen as wanda let's out her thoughts and nod my head. I know baby, I'm sorry she isn't being respectful right now. I'll have a talk with her but lets go in and set the movie up. I can put your favorite on and we can cuddle and just relax for the rest of the day. I'll make lunch and dinner today so you can continue to relax. You have nothing to worry about okay. I feel wanda nod her head and whisper a thanks. I smile and lift her head up with my hand and lean down and place a soft but lingering kiss. If you're good, then I'll give you a massage, and run you a bubble bath with wine for later tonight.

Wanda - I smile and say, thank you nat. For taking care of me when I'm like this. Just thank you. I lean in and place a soft kiss to her lips and then place my hand in hers and lead us inside. Once we're inside, I hear nat whistle and then you running in and sitting in front of nat. I decide to leave them be while going to set up the movie.

Y/n - I sit in front of nat when I see wanda leave. I pout but look back at nat with my head tilted to the side.

Nat - I kneel down so I'm eye level with you and say, wolf I know you're excited and very hyper but you didn't listen to me and ignored what I said outside. So that's your second warning. If you get one more, then you'll be punished. You understand me. I say stern but calm so you know I mean it.

Y/n - I pout more and lay down whining. I move my front paws over my eyes so I can hide from the disappointed look from nat. I use my wolf link to talk to nat, *I'm sorry natty. I don't want to be in trouble.*

Nat - I smile when I hear you talk to me with your wolf link. Good girl love. Thank you for the apology. Now go and wait in front of wanda please. No getting on the furniture. I see you nod my walk to the living room. I start getting snacks ready for the movie and I grab a glass of wine for wanda, wanting her to be fully relaxed. When I walk into the living room, I see you on the floor in front of the couch and wanda running her hand through your fur. I smile and say, here you go malady. I say handing wanda her glass of wine. She smiles and takes it from me and then leans back into the couch. I smile and walk back to the kitchen and grab the bowl of popcorn and then other snacks like grapes and such. Once everything is set in the living room, I sit on the couch and bring wanda into me. I lay a kiss on the side of her head and say, hit play baby.

Wanda - I smile as nat holds me. I hit play on the TV remote and watch as my favorite movie starts. I slowly sip on my wine, not wanting to get tipsy. I also snack on the popcorn and some chocolate. I nuzzle my head back into nat and whisper, thank you my love. This really means a lot. My lips turn into a smile as I feel her kiss my head and hear her say, "anything for you my love." I sigh and close my eyes for a few minutes. After a few minutes my eyes shoot open as the couch moves a lot and I spill my wine on myself and the brand new couch. I look and see you turning on the couch trying to get in a comfortable spot. I close my eyes again to try and calm myself down, not wanting to yell. I then open my eyes and place my wine down, I shrug off Nats hand that lands on my shoulder. I stand up and grab your collar that we put on you when you shifted into your wolf. I tug it and feel you get up so I start walking with you following my footsteps. I let go of your collar and open your dog/wolf cage. I look at you not saying anything and point towards your cage. I see you frown a little and hear you start to whine. I raise my hand up and say, I do not want to hear it. In the cage now y/n. I look to nat and see her nod her head telling me that she agrees with me. I look back to you and say, this is your punishment. You got on the couch when I know that nat told you not to, but you also jumped when you got on which made me spill my wine everywhere. That is your third warning which mean this is your punishment. You are sleeping in your cage for tonight and tomorrow night. There is no going outside unless it's for the bathroom, you will most likely be in here for the rest of today. Now get in your cage. I say looking at you with a stern look.

Y/n - I look at wanda with a frown and wolf link her so I can talk to her. * I would like to not be in my cage please. *

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dom Natasha x Wanda, sub Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now