98. Date Night pt. 3

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Wanda - I finally arrive as it's now 5 pm. Close to the sun going down which is perfect timing. Nat is still holding you and it seems as if you're still asleep. I get out the car and help nat out with you. I tell her where we're going and to grab the bags I have in the trunk. She nods doing that while I hold you in my arms. Once she has the bags I walk us to the area we're going to be staying at and find a nice log for me to sit on. Nat places the bags down by me and then says she is going to look for some wood so we can have a fire when it gets dark. I rub my hand on your cheek and whisper, wake up my love, we're here.

Y/n - I wake up feeling mamas hand on my cheek and her whispering to me. I keep my eyes closed missing this and wanting it for a little bit more. I feel her stop which makes me whine and open my eyes with a pout. I see her green eyes looking back to me and a smile on her lips.

Wanda - oh I know my sweet girl, mama is mean. But we're here love and I want you to see it all. Don't you? I see you look around and we both see nat coming back with some wood. I smile seeing your eyes light up and I see Nats smile grow. I watch as nat sets the wood down near the log I'm sitting on and walks up to me. I smile and pucker my lips for a kiss and she leans down and kisses my lips for a few seconds. We stop with a chuckle when we hear you whine.

Nat - I look at you and say, aww is my baby upset she isn't getting loved on? Come here my love. I take you from wanda and place lots of kisses around you face and smile when I hear giggles in return. I stop and look at wanda with a slight glare when I seen a flash, from her taking a picture of us.

Wanda - I pale as I see Nats glare when I had realized I left the flash on. I step away slowly and say, nat baby, just imagine our little girl running up to you with a big smile as you come home from work. Just don't kill me. Think of our little girl and calm down please.

Nat - I look down at you in my arms and say, want to get mama with me? I see your face get serious and recieve a single nod in return. I set you down and look to wanda with a smirk. Our little one wants to go after you as well, so if I was you I'd run. I see her take off in the opposite direction of us and I look to you and say, get mama and you can punish her for me. I see you smile and take off after her.

Y/n - I have a plan in my head on how to get wanda to come to me. I run in the direction she ran and soon slow down and pretend to be scared. I yell sounding like I'm terrified, MAMA!!! I cry out letting a few tears fall as I drop to sit on my bottom. After a few seconds I feel myself being picked up and see wanda holding me. I hide into her shoulder and feel her turn a little while rubbing my back to calm me down. I peek out and see nat looking at me with a bit of a worried face but I smirk which makes her shake her head with a small smile. I pull away and say, got you wands. I see her glare at me and place me down on the ground. I laugh a little and walk to nat and high-five her.

Wanda - that is not fair! You can't use my mama instincts against me. I say with my arms crossed over my chest.

Nat - I chuckle and say, it's okay wands. Let's all calm down before there's a fight. Now what did you have in mind for this next part of our date?

Wanda - I smile and say, oh I had an idea of watching the sunset and then having smores for dessert. I have dinner on its way now so it should be here soon. So we can have dinner and dessert while watching the sunset cuddled up together.

Y/n - I smile and say, sounds good. But quick question... why did we have to drive all the way out here, like 2-3 hours away from home?

Wanda - you'll find out soon enough now shush and sit like the good girl I know you can be. I see you squint your eyes in return which makes me raise an eyebrow. I smirk when you pout and sit on the log with your arms crossed over your chest. I walk over to nat and kiss her lips before walking over to you and lay a kiss on your head. I love you sweet girl.

Y/n - I smile and whisper, love you too mama you too nat.

Nat - I smile and sit next to you and say, I know, I am pretty awesome. I hear yours and Wanda's laugh which makes my smile grow. I'm kidding, I love you too.

Time skip

Y/n - The sun is just setting and the night sky comes into view as well. I smile as it looks very beautiful and sigh in content.

Wanda - I hear your sigh and look over to you

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Wanda - I hear your sigh and look over to you. You okay my love?

Y/n - I nod and lay my head on her shoulder. I'm perfect, I have you and nat. I have friends that I consider family. I have Damien. I feel a kiss laid on the top of my head which makes me smile. I love you.

Wanda - I love you too baby. I smile and see nat looking at us with so much love in her eyes. I love you too natasha.

Nat - I shake my head lightly and say, I love you both as well. Now hush, so we can relax and watch the sky.

Y/n - I lightly hit nat and say. Be nice. I lean more into wanda and look to see nat glaring at me. I frown and whisper, sorry.

Nat - don't hit. I see you nod which makes me look to see wanda with an eyebrow raised. I give her a questioning look but she doesn't do anything in return. I leave it alone and look back up to the sky.

Y/n - I look to the ground and whisper to wanda, can I be puppy please?

Wanda - I was looking at the sky watching the stars dance when I hear you whisper. I frown and say, whyre you asking love? You know you can slip into any headspace without permission.

Y/n - I shrug and get up to shift away from them. Once im out of reach from them I shift into my wolf and then move to lay in front of Wanda's legs. I lay my head on my 2 front legs and look as nat starts the fire. I blink a few times feeling tired and yawn. I feel a hand run through my fur which makes me look up and see wanda who has a big smile. " you tired wolfie?" I nod and lean my head into her hand and she says, " let me set up the camp and then we can go to bed okay. " I nod my head again and then lay back down but keeping my eyes on her as she grabs the stuff for the huge tent.

Wanda - I set the camp up with some help from nat. Once it's all set up, I come up to you and say, lets get settled in love. You can go to sleep. Nat and I will stay out here for a bit longer. I see you nod a little and follow me as I lead you into the camp. I smile as you lay on the huge dog bed I brought and lay your head down on your front paws. I kneel down and say, I love you wolfie, sweet dreams. I lay a kiss on your snout and watch you slowly fall asleep.

Nat - I see wanda come out of the camper and come sit by me by the fire. I hold her close and say, I love you wanda. I want to do something and I know you'll agree but what do you think about asking her to be our wife?

(1,468 words)

dom Natasha x Wanda, sub Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now