79. Cuddle Day

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Y/n - when they left I got sad not wanting to make them leave early. I walk into my little room and see my toys put away. I frown and turn to see nat and wanda at the door. I make grabby hands and see wanda take 2 big steps towards me and pick me up. I hide into her and feel her rub my back while shushing me while gently bouncing me. I slowly calm down and just hug wanda as wanda moves around.

Wanda - once I had you in my arms I gently bounce you in my arms while rubbing your back and shushing you. I feel you calm down so I walk downstairs and into the kitchen, I start making a baba for you when you decide to poke your head out. I smile and say, you want a baba sweet girl?

Y/n - I shake my head no and say, just mama and daddy please. I see her nod her head and place the bottle into the fridge. I lay my head back on her shoulder when I see daddy walk in. I smile and make grabby hands.

Nat - I walk to you and wanda smiling at you. I take you from wanda and say, you just want to cuddle?

Y/n - I nod my head and say, we cuddle pwease? I see them both smile and nod thier heads. I smile and wiggle in Nats arms happy. They both walk into the living room and sit on the couch. Nat moves me so I'm on the both of them. I smile and lean into wanda and nat hold my legs. I feel wanda run her hand through my hair gently scratching at my scalp. I sigh and cuddle closer if that's even possible.

Wanda - I smile and say, you want to watch a movie my sweet girl? I see you look at me and gently shake your head no. I ask again, are you sure my love? Not any movie?

Y/n - I shake my head no and say, just wan you and dada, mama. I see wanda nod her head and then go back to scratching my head. I close my eyes relaxing in their hold.

Nat - I watch as you completely relax in our hold. I gently rub your leg and I see you smile. I smile back and say, baby, do you want to go upstairs in our bed and cuddle? We can cuddle naked if you want. Have some skin on skin.

Y/n - when I hear that I jump off them and run up the stairs as I hear them laugh at my reaction. Once I make it to the room I take everything off except my diaper. I try to take the tabs off and get frustrated when I can't get it. I look up when wanda and nat walk in and they frown at my teary eyes.

Nat - what's wrong малыш? (Baby)

Y/n - can't get diapey off daddy. Help pwease?

Nat- I smile and say, lay down my love. When you lay down, I take the diaper off and clean you up quickly with the wipes wanda hands me. After that I place you in bed and I walk over to wanda and pull her into a hug and then pull her shirt up.

Wanda - I smile as nat helps with taking my clothes off. As she gets my clothes off I feel a little turned on and then feel liquid falling down my stomach. I look down and see I'm leaking breastmilk. I blush like crazy feeling embarrassed.

Nat- I lift Wanda's head up and whisper, it's okay sweetheart. I'll take care of you when the little one is sleeping. I see her nod with her blushed filled face and a smile on her lips. I smile as well and place a soft kiss on her lips. Why dont you nurse y/n?

Wanda - I turn and look at you and say, do you want to nurse my love? It's a little before bedtime so we can cuddle and you can nurse. Hmm? I say speaking to you with a coo.

Y/n - I rub my eyes feeling tired already. I nod my head and say, nurse pease mama.

Time skip

Wanda - you had fallen asleep after nursing for about 30 minutes. I gently unlatch you and place a paci in your mouth. I pick you up and walk to your little room and place you in your crib. I lock it up and place a child lock on it so you can't get out. I turn your baby monitor on so we can hear you but you can't hear us. I make sure that it's right and then leave the room. I get to the bedroom and see nat already wearing my favorite toy. I smile and say, I was good daddy?

Nat - I nod my head and say, you've been very very good baby. Now come and lay down. Let daddy take care of you. I watch as she eagerly jumps into bed. I chuckle lightly and crawl on top of her kissing my way up her body towards her luscious lips. Once I make it to her lips, I kiss her passionately and smirk when I hear those beautiful sounds.

Wanda - I moan into the kiss and plead, daddy please, I need you. I feel her smirk which makes me smile. I move my hands to hold her face close to me. I whisper, please daddy? I've been good.

Nat - I grab Wanda's hands and say, yes you have been good baby, but you still need to listen to me okay. I see her pout but nod her head. I move her hands above her head and say, these stay here. If they move you won't cum. She gasp which makes me smile at the power I have over her. She nods her head and says, " I'll be good daddy. I promise." I nod and move to kiss her neck and go further down. I move my hands onto her breast and squeeze gently making her moan and her her back. I kiss my way down the valley of her breadt and move to the right and suck her nipple into my mouth. I suck gently and moan as I taste the breastmilk.

Wanda - I blush as I feel nat sucking my breastmilk into her mouth. I can't help but move my hands onto the back of her head and hold her there. I arch my back so I move closer to her. She doesn't seem to notice my hands, which makes me sigh in relief. I feel her left hand squeeze my left nipple hard which makes me gasp in shock and then moan at the pleasure.

Nat - I pull back letting her nipple go with a pop. I look at wanda and say, I understand why our little one is greedy with this. Very delicious, but onto the pleasure. Are you ready for me my love?

Wanda - I nod my head fast and say, please nat. I need you inside me so bad. I see her smirk and shiver three fingers into me hard. I moan and tighten around her. She collects as much wetness as she can to use it as lube for the toy. I watch as she rubs the toy up and down like she is jerking off. I lick my lips as I watch, nat then lines up with my entrance.

Nat - as I line up to Wanda's entrance I say, you are my good girl love. I thrust into her slowly letting her adjust to the size once I see her nod, I thrust into her at a faster pace. I moan as I feel the toy pleasure me as well. Wanda yells for me to go faster and harder so I do as she says. I thrust harder and faster that the only thing you hear is our skin clapping together. Soon I feel Wanda's hands on my back scratching harshly which makes me groan/moan. I lean in closer and say, cum baby.

Wanda - I scratch Nats back so hard as I cum. I swear I was past cloud nine. I come back down from my orgasm as I hear nat asking if I'm okay. I blink a couple of times and yawn as I get tired. I feel something rub on my thigh and see that nat is cleaning me up. I smile lightly and whisper, thank you nat, and slip into sleep.

Nat - as we both came down from our orgasms I ask if wanda was okay, I see her blink a few times and smile as a yawn comes from her. I put the toy away and clean myself up quickly and then I clean wanda up as well. I hear her whisper a thank you and then slip into sleep. I kiss her forehead and leave the room and check on you and see that you're still sleeping. I smile and place a small kiss on your forehead and then leave the room to go back into the bedroom with wanda. Once I make it there I turn the lights off and climb into bed and hold wanda close to me. I whisper, I love you so much baby.

(1,560 words)

dom Natasha x Wanda, sub Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now