91. Back Home

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Wanda - I was finishing getting dressed with you asleep on the bed, in a diaper and one of my shirts. I smile looking at you when I hear running footsteps coming towards me. I look to my door and see maria and Kate looking frantic, I walk out in the hall closing the door not wanting to wake you. What going on? Whyre you looking like that?

Maria - yelena is gone. It's just us here. I'm not sure where she went but I'm gonna give her 20 minutes to come back before she gets her ass beat by us. I say getting upset that she left.

Kate - it's okay, she'll come back. Maybe she went to get nat. I'm not sure what's going on but I know she can keep herself safe. Let's just keep calm because y/n is little right now and she can probably pick up on how we feel. So let's just calm down.

Wanda - I sigh and say, you're right kate. Let's just calm down, nat did say that yelena will take care of everything so hopefully she is right. If I'm correct they should be home later tonight or tomorrow. I then whisper, lets just hope she is right.

Maria - okay, what should we do then? Should kate and I leave? Leave you both here? I don't think we should do that.

Wanda - no, you guys can go. I'm good here with y/n. We'll probably play or do something for when nat comes back. But call me if you here anything from yelena. I'll still try to reach out to nat to see if she is safe. We'll do what we can for right now.

Kate - okay. We can do that. Should I have Pietro come her to be with you?

Wanda - I shake my head and say, no I'm good. I'll see you guys soon. I promise. Go home.

I see them nod and walk out the house. I sigh and say, nat please be okay.

Time skip

Nat - it's been a few hours since we left the red room. Yelena and I are almost home when she tells me what happened in the battle from when I went missing. I feel upset that Tony is gone and I'm not really sure how to react but I'm worried about wanda and you. I sigh and try to reach out to wanda. Wanda baby, can you hear me?

Wanda - I was cleaning up the house when I felt someone trying to talk to me. I open my mind thinking it's nat and smile when I hear her voice. I hear her say, "Wanda baby, can you hear me?" I reply back. Baby, are you okay? Where are you? Is yelena with you?

Nat - I chuckle lightly at the rapid questions. I'm okay baby, and yes yelena is with me. Are you and y/n okay?

Wanda - I let a sigh of relief and say, yes we're okay. We just miss you. Are you coming home?

Nat - I am, I'm almost home. I'm about 20 ish minutes away. I'll see you both soon. I promise.

Wanda - okay, well see you when you're home.

Nat - I smile and then turn to yelena, I know you told me you didn't tell them that you were leaving but you should have. They're worried about you.

Yelena - I groan and say, I know but I needed to get you out. I didn't think about telling them. I'm sorry.

Nat - I nod my head and day, I know but I think you're going to be in trouble with maria, kate and wanda. I'm just telling you now so you're prepared.

Yelena - I pout but nod my head. I know, I kinda figured. But whatever my punishment is, it's worth it since we have you back. We should be there in a couple of minutes. Think you can help me out of trouble with wanda? I say with puppy eyes.

Nat - I chuckle and nod my head, I will try my best but no promises. Can't really change a sokavians mind.

Yelena - I chuckle and say, that isn't a cool way to die. I shrug my shoulders and say, oh well. I jump off the quinjet when we land and say, lets head inside.

Wanda - I hear the quinjet land and run out the house and into Nats arms. Baby, you're okay. I say and pull away a little and say, I love you so much but if you do that again, you're sleeping on the couch for a month. I then see nat nod with a smile so I turn to yelena and say, you little girl come here.

Yelena - I pout and walk to her with my head looking down. I whisper I'm sorry I worried you wan. I didn't mean to do that.

Wanda - I lift her head and say, you ever do that again, you're in big trouble. Understand me? I see her nod so I smile and bring her into a hug. I'm glad you're okay baby. You should call Maria and kate. They've been worried.

Yelena - I'll do that now. I'm sorry I worried you all. I just wanted to get nat out of there. I didn't think.

Wanda - it's okay baby. Just don't do it again. Now call Maria and kate. Nat has someone else to see.

Nat - where is my babygirl? Is she okay?

Wanda- she is in our room. She hasn't left at all. She is worried about you. I told her that you were coming home but she didn't believe me. So go and see our little one.

Nat - I nod and whisper, keep an eye on her. We went to a place we thought we had taken down so lingering memories will show up. I see wanda nod so I run inside and upstairs to our room. I knock on the door and walk in. I smile as I see you and say, baby daddy is here. Can I have a hug from my girl?

Y/n - I tear up and say, dada home?! I jump into her arms and say, no leave dada. I feel her arms tighten around me and her whisper, "nothing will ever stop me from coming home to my family. Even if something were to happen to me, I'm always going to be with you and mama." I smile and nod my head. Love you daddy.

Nat - I love you too pretty girl. Now lets go downstairs. Auntie yelena is in trouble with everyone. I have to help her get out of trouble. I see enough look confused so I don't say anything else thinking no one explained yelena coming to get me. I walk us downstairs and see yelena hanging up the phone with a sigh. I say, whats wrong bub?

Yelena - I'm gonna die when they get here. I was hoping wanda would end me before they got here. I hear a light chuckle from behind me and turn to see wanda. I pout and whine, not funny wan.

Wanda - oh I'm sorry baby, but nat wand I will try to help lessen whatever your punishment is, but you should know not to do that.

Yelena - I mumble under my breath, what leave to save my sister. Yea I'll not do that then. I feel a smack to my thigh and whine. I see wanda with a glare which makes me sigh so I go and sit on the couch. Sorry.

Wanda - mmhmm. I finish making myself a cup of tea while we wait for maria and kate to get here. I turn when I feel someone touching my leg. I look down and see you sitting ont he floor making grabby hands. I smile and pick you up. How's my princess?

Y/n - good mama. Daddy home 'gain. I smile wife and look to daddy.

Wanda - she is baby, im happy that she is too. Are you hungry? Do you want to nurse?

Y/n - nurse mama? Pease.

Nat - good manners baby. I look to wanda who smiles and hands me you for a few seconds while she situates herself. I then hand you back to her when she is ready and I watch as she breastfeeds you. I smile with a look of adoration and say, I love you both so much.

(1,394 words)

dom Natasha x Wanda, sub Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now