107. Whats Going To Happen

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Wanda - I dont hear anything throughout the house which makes me think the girls left. I'm not sure where nat is but I'm hoping she isn't near the room as you are still awake. I frown when I think about how I saw you zoned out. Like how we first saw you at lokis auction. I'm not sure just how harsh nat was but if you got that look in you eyes again, it's making me think that she was extremely harsh. I sigh and decide to see what your bottom looks like so i move the cover a little and gasp when i see a dark bruise forming. I get angry seeing that my baby was hurt and gently get up not disturbing you even though i know that youre not asleep. I whisper, ill be right back baby. I just need to get something for your bottom so its not in so much pain. I see you nod slightly so i lay a kiss on your head and walk to the bathroom. I grab the pain and bruising lotion and walk back into the room. I set the lotion down and say, okay baby, would you like me to rub this on for you? I'll be as gentle as I can.

Y/n - I nod my head and whisper, please Wanda. It hurts really bad. I know you'll be gentle but if I flinch it's not because of you. I look over my shoulder and see her with a small frown but nodding her head. I put on a small smile and say, I love you.

Wanda - I love you too sweetheart. Okay I'm going to put this in now. If you need me to stop or to wait a little bit say your colors. I see you nod and place your head back on the pillow. I pout some lotion in my hand and rub it together so it's not super cold. I gently put the lotion in your bottom and you flinch a little. I whisper sweet nothings and watch you relax a little even though I know it hurts. I soon finish rubbing the lotion on you and say, okay sweetheart, I'm finished doing the lotion. Would you like any clothes? I can find our hoodies and sweatpants. I see you shake your head no and then part the bed beside you. I smile and lean down placing a kiss on the back of your head. I'm going to put the lotion back and wash my hands, I'll be right back okay. If you need me yell out my name. I see you nod and close your eyes. I walk into the bathroom.

Y/n - I listen as Wanda makes some noises in the bathroom that's connected to our room. I sigh and frown still thinking how nat could do that. I close my eyes trying to relax while I can and hold my breath when I hear the bedroom door open. I don't dare move not wanting to talk to her and even see her. I keep my mind loud hoping wanda will rush in here. I feel the bed dip right next to me which let's me know she is sitting on the bed close to me. I start to feel my heart race as I try not to panic. *Wanda please* I think and then I hear footsteps from the bathroom towards our room freeze. I get ready to hear yelling but I don't.

Wanda - as I finish washing my hands, I hear your thoughts and hurry up thinking you just want cuddles. I dry my hands and then go to walk into the bedroom again when I see nat sitting on the bed and looking at you. I whisper, Natalia please leave. I look at you keeping my eyes on you wanting to see if you're okay.

Nat - I hear Wanda say my name and look to her with a frown. I go to say something when she shakes her head no. I shake my head and say, no I'm not going to leave. I want to apologize for not listening to you y/n. I'm honestly really sorry and I cannot excuse why I was so harsh. I understand if you want space and I'll respect that. I just wanted to apologize. After I say that I wait to see if I get anything from you but I don't. I sigh and get up walking out of the room. I know I fucked up and I can't excuse what I did. But I'm going to try my hardest to make everything right.

Y/n - I take a deep breath when I hear the bedroom door close and look to wanda with teary eyes. She rushes to me pulling me into a hug. I start crying and say, I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to be scared mama. I can feel myself dropping into little space really fast.

Wanda - I shush you as I feel you slipping into your little space. It's okay baby, mama is here. I won't go anywhere baby. It's okay sweetheart. I try my best to calm you down and after about 30 minutes, you fall asleep. I sigh in relief and lay you on the bed. I cover you up with the blanket and then get myself dressed so I can go down and talk to nat. I'm honestly not looking forward to this but I know I need to do it. Once im dressed, I look back to you and check to see if you're still asleep. I smile softly when I see you asleep still as you suck your thumb lightly. I open the door and walk out of the room. I walk downstairs and find nat in the kitchen with a tea made. I stop in the doorway of the kitchen seeing if she'll notice me and I smile to myself when she immediately looks up and sees me. Nat we need to talk.

Nat - I was thinking about what I could do to fix this when I seen wanda standing in the doorway. I look up and feel my heart race a little when I hear the words, "nat we need to talk" I set my tea down and nod my head, okay. What do you need to talk about?

(1,063 words)

dom Natasha x Wanda, sub Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now