88. Where Is Y/n?

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Nat - wanda and I both ran after you but we couldn't catch up. I start freaking out thinking we just pushed you away and that you won't come back. I call Tony and Maria and tell them what happened and they say that they're on their way with the team. I start pacing in the living room as wanda is sitting on the couch probably thinking what could she have done to help and not make you run. I try calling you to see if you'll answer but it goes straight to voice-mail.

Wanda - I start trying to see if I can hear your thoughts but I don't. I hear Nats by accident and she is blaming me about what happened in the gym before you ran. I frown and go to get up and walk to the gym and look to see what made you run. If there was anything in there. I walk into the gym and use my powers to see if I can see anything out of the ordinary. As I do, I hear footsteps from behind me and see maria and Kate with yelena. I sigh and stop using my powers as yelena steps up to me and hugs me. I smile softly and say, she is gonna be okay. I'm not sure where she ran off too but I know she is okay.

Yelena - I nod my head and day, I know auntie. She protect us auntie.

Wanda - I furrow my eyebrows and kneel down. What do you mean baby?

Yelena - she protects us from bad guys auntie. She tell me.

Maria - baby, can you be big just for a few minutes. I would like to talk to you.

Yelena - I nod my head and slip put. I tilt my head and say, y/n has been messaging me for a few days telling me that she had this gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. I tried telling her talk to you guys, so I'm not sure if she did. You remember when we met?

Wanda - I nod my head and say, yea it was right after loki attacked the quinjet.

Yelena - exactly, I guess the before you all left and you guys had breakfast, she had told you guys about having a feeling of something bad happening but nat said that it will be okay. And then loki attacked the quinjet. I think that since she has that feeling again, she thinks something bad is going to happen and was preparing for it. That's why she was working out and sparring with you and nat. I hear something behind me and see nat walking in as she grows more confused when hearing me explain.

Nat - we sparred early this morning and she was doing good but I had pinned her. She got upset and went o walk away but I stop her and told her I was proud and explained that she put some of the moves I taught her in it. We hugged for a few seconds but then she pushed me away and walked to another part of the gym. I thought she was still upset about not beating me, or that I did something wrong. But what if the feeling that she has been feeling came back and that's why she pushed me away.

Kate - I nod my head and say, that's a good reason but why is she having this feeling that something bad is gonna happen. That I don't understand.

Wanda - I sigh and say, Thor messaged me the day that we had that bad play date and said that loki somehow escaped. He told me that he got him back but what if he was lying.

Nat - I grow angry at wanda and say, why didn't you tell me?! I yell turning to her as I cross my arms. I see from the corner of eyes that the girls leave, letting us have it out.

Wanda - I didn't think it would be a big deal since he said that he caught him again. It hadn't crossed my mind to tell you because of that. I'm sorry I didn't say anything and I will from now on. I didn't think.

Nat - of course you didn't, God what if y/n saw that and that's why she started acting distant. Fuck! What if loki isn't caught and he has her again?

Meanwhile with y/n....

Y/n - once I shifted into my wolf forn and ran into the woods. I just stayed there knowing they wouldn't follow me, not knowing which way I went. I lay on the ground and watch the house as it fills with the team and I perk up a little when I see yelena with maria and kate. I decide to teleport to the tower and grab some things I need there. Once I enter the building, I tell Jarvis to keep my presence here unknown to anyone. He replies saying, "yes miss romanoff-maximoff." I smile knowing they had changed my name to this when that's not my actual last name, yet. I walk into the weapons room and find some batons, and a suit that I fell in love with while practicing my teleportation here.

I put that on, happy that it is fireproof as well

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I put that on, happy that it is fireproof as well. Jarvis told me. Anyways, I teleportation back to the woods behind our house and watch. I can feel wanda trying to get into my mind but I block her out. I know someone is coming and I don't know who it is but it feels big. I think it's loki because I had this feeling everything he was around. I decide to leave my stuff here and teleport into my room. I smile as I look around and then I hear someone come into the room. I turn around and see Kate, I place my finger over my mouth and whisper, please don't say I'm here. I know they're going to be pissed but I needed everyone here. You all will get notified by Jarvis in about 5 minutes that you need to suit up and be prepared. I can feel that someone bad is coming but I'm not sure who. I just want to be prepared, that's all.

Kate - I was walking around upstairs and walked into your little room, I then see someone standing there and they turn around and I see that its you. I go to say something but you tell me all this. I nod my head and whisper, where will you be? I just want to make sure you're safe.

Y/n - I smile lightly and say, ill be in the woods monitoring, if the feeling becomes too much like they're close then I'll teleport back to the living room and brief you all. Just please don't say anything. I see her nod her head so I smile and say, thank you. I love you guys. I then teleport out and back into the woods.

(1,170 words)

What's gonna happen?

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