86. Little Play Date Pt.2

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Wanda - you and I were just looking into each other's eyes as nat drove to our next place. My smile never leaves as I watch you suck your paci. I whisper, you're so cute my love.

Y/n - I smile and say, read shirt mama. She nods her head and reads it out loud for me and I say, it's true mama. I gots it from you. I see her smile grow wider and she kisses me head. I then notice nat parking the car so I get excited again and look around. I gasp as I see the aquarium, I look over to them both and slip out of headspace while saying, thank you for bringing me here. I'm sorry I haven't been the best to deal with the last few days but I really appreciate this.

Nat - baby, we know you've had a bad few days. It's okay to have bad days, as long as you don't hurt yourself or others. We both know you'll talk to us when you either need help figuring out what's going on or you figure it out yourself and want to tell us. Also this is like a reward, you've been really good for a few weeks, and we haven't really been out of the house so we thought we could have a fun day out. With little you or with big you. An aquarium is still fun in either headspace. I say with a smile. But even so we just want to be with you.

Y/n - I have tears streaming down my face as I look to both nat and wanda. I unbuckle the carseat since I'm still in it and get out. I hug wanda first and then jump into the front seat and hug nat. Thank you, just for being you. I love you both so much.

Nat - I love you too sweetheart, now lets go and enjoy spending time with each other in the aquarium. After we are done here I have some place else I want to take the both of you.

Wanda - I furrow my brows and say, we only had 2 places to go, what are you talking about nat.

Nat - it's a surprise, you'll find out later. Now lets go.

Y/n - I get out the car and go to walk towards the aquarium when I feel a hand grab mine. I look and see nat grabbing my hand. I smile and wiggle in excitement as I look at her and wanda. Let's gooooo!!! I say as I pull them towards the building.

Wanda - I step in front of you before you can get any further. I bring my hands to hold your face so you're looking at me. Baby, I know you're excited but we need to talk to you before we go in there. Can you listen to us please baby?

Y/n - I pout as she says that, but mama I wanna see fishys. I see her smile but then she says, " I know baby but we need to tell you the rules for when we're in there" I frown but nod my head. Okay.

Wanda - thank you baby. Listen to daddy.

Nat - I smile and kiss Wanda's lips and then your forehead, alright princess, the rules are...

1) stay within our eyesight.

2) no tantrums.

3) have fun.

Y/n - I giggle and nod my head, okay daddy. Can we go now? We're wasting time.

Wanda - I smile and say, hold our hands until we're inside. As I finish I feel nat and your hands hold onto mine. We walk in and they lead us to the first animal which so happens to be Nats favorite. I smile and look at how nat looks mesmerized at the hammerhead shark.

 I smile and look at how nat looks mesmerized at the hammerhead shark

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Nat - let go of Wanda's hand and walk up closer to the glass. I smile just watching it swim around when I feel someone tap my leg. I look and see you, I smile and say, hey princess. Come up here. I say as I pick you up and place you on my hip. You know what animal this is?

Y/n - I look at wanda first and smile as I decide to pretend not to know what it is. I look back to nat and shake my head, no daddy. What is it?

Nat - Well baby, this is a hammer head shark, its one of daddys favorite animals. Let me tell you something about it. There are nine hammerhead species that occupy the same genus (Sphyrna), and one has its very own genus (Eusphyra). The genus name “Sphyrna” actually comes from the Greek word “hammer.” Eusphyra is derived from the Greek words “good” or “true” in conjunction with “hammer.”
Do you want to know what the kind of hammerheads there are? I see you nod your head with a huge smile. I smile back and see wanda has joined my other side listening in.

Well the ten species of hammerhead are:

• Winghead shark (Eusphyra blochii)

• Scalloped bonnethead (Sphyrna corona)

• Whitefin hammerhead (Sphyrna couardi)

• Carolina hammerhead (Sphyrna gilberti)

• Scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna leweni)

• Scoophead (Sphyrna media)

• Great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran)

• Bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo)

• Smalleye hammerhead (Sphyrna tudes)

• Smooth hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena)

Y/n - I look at you in awe and say, daddy you're so smart. Which species of hammerhead shark is this one? I ask curious.

Nat - well from the way it looks, if I remember correctly, it's the Carolina hammerhead. I smile as I feel wanda grab my hand holding onto it.

3 hours later

We've been here for a long while and we've seen so many beautiful animals. Wanda saw her favorite, so did you. We walk around looking at some more that we've seen a lot already. I then look at wanda and say, how're you feeling love?

Wanda - I'm happy babe, what about you? I ask as I hold onto your hand keeping you from running away. I watch as nat smiles and looks at me with love and adoration.

Nat - I'm extremely happy. I didn't think I would be this happy because of what happened when I was little. I'm not sure, sometimes I do have doubts that this is just my imagination but then you both do something that just makes my heart beat faster and that makes me realize that this isn't my imagination but real life and I'm really happy. I love you so much wanda.

Wanda - I feel a tear roll down my cheek and then a thumb wipe it away. I smile at nat and lean into her hand. I love you too. So so much.

Y/n - I hear them having a heart to heart which makes me smile and slip out of little space. I pull my hand out of Wanda's hand and walk to a different spot but still close to them. I watch the different fish swim which is extremely relaxing. I smile and look back to them and see that they're looking at me with so much love as well. I look away quickly blush not really expecting them to look at me. I look at the fish again when I spot Marvin, Nemo, and dory swimming around together. I chuckle and whisper, just kept swimmin,, just keep swimmin, swimmin, swimmin.

Wanda- I hear you whisper the line that dory says in the movie which makes me smile big. When you let my hand go, I notice you slipped out of your little headspace, but since this is your favorite movie for when your little, it makes me think you slipped back into little space. I walk over to you and say, hey baby, lets get going, yea?

Y/n - I nod my head and turn into her arms making her arms wrap around me. I smile and look over to nat and hold my hand out for her. Come here. I say slightly demanding.

Nat - I smirk with my eyebrow raised and say, you just order me to come over there sweet girl?

Y/n - I blush but nod my head and say, come here. I then make my famous puppy eyes and whisper, please? I see her smile and shake her head lightly walking over to me. I smile and pucker my lips for a kiss.

Nat - I lean down a place 3 small kisses on your lips and say, I love you babygirl so so so much.

(1,405 words)

dom Natasha x Wanda, sub Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now