81. Definitely On Purpose

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Y/n - I stand up and stand in the wait position, which is where I have my legs about shoulder width apart and my hands behind my back. I look at nat and see her smile and then to wanda who nods approvingly. I smile and wait for them to say something.

Nat - I look to wanda and she nods knowing what I want. So I say in my mind, * do you think she was teasing us on purpose? *

Wanda - I nod my head and see nat smirk. I smirk back knowing what she is thinking about. We both turn and look to you and see a slight worried face. I coo and say, is the naughty girl scared?

Y/n - I shake my head no but then nod I look to see nat smiling but then she says, "why are you scared baby? Yes you may talk." I open my mouth and say, well yesterday when Lena was here, we were both talking and we both realized that we're ready for the next step. So I went through all my clothes and found this, thinking that you'll love it. We started making a plan to see what we could do to kinda say that we're ready without actually saying that we're ready. I think now that it's happening and you guys are acting like this, not in a bad way, I think it's just making me nervous. I say on a ramble.

Nat - I nod my head and say, I can understand that baby. I mean it is you're first time with us. I think what we should do is, have mostly vanilla with slight bdsm right now. I think that'll make you feel better. Am I correct?

Y/n - I look at wanda and see her looking at me with a soft smile. I smile lightly and say, can you explain what that means?

Nat - of course. So it will be amazing love making between the three of us but I think the only thing is that you will listen to us and call us by our names, mommy and daddy. Does that sound good love?

Y/n - I smile and nod my head. Yes daddy. That sounds amazing.

Wanda - I walk closer to you and say, stand like normal baby. No need for the positions. I watch you relax while standing which makes me smile. Good girl love. I lean in and whisper, on the bed sweetheart. You're gonna make daddy cum while I rile you up. You won't cum until after daddy does. Understand?

Y/n - I shiver and nod my head, y-yes mommy. I whisper as my voice cracks. I watch as she smirks but says, "good girl baby. Now go lay down."I nod and go to the bed and lay down on my back. I leave enough room so nat can be comfortable.

Nat - you're being so good love. Remember you can cum after I've cum. I see you nod your head so, wanda and I undress you and then we undress ourselves. I smile and lean in to kiss wanda and say, eyes on us baby. No touching yourself. Wanda continues to kiss down my body until she get to my center. I moan as she hits all the right spots and as I get closer I pull her away and say, please our princess. She has been patient and is being very good.

Wanda - I nod my head and walk towards you on the bed and make my way up your body. I lay soft kisses for your ankle all the way up your leg, pass where you want me most and up your stomach and chest. I suck on your breast and play with the other making you wiggle underneath me. I gently bite and pull back bringing your nipple along and then let go. I hear you moan at the pain and pleasure which turns me on. I kiss your lips and take control of it as I feel nat behind me. I wiggle in anticipation when I feel a smack being landed on my ass. I moan in reply and feel another. I pull away and look behind me with a smirk.

Y/n - please mommy, I need you. Daddy let me make you cum. Please. I say whimpering at all the teasing.

Nat - I move up the bed and straddle your face. I look at you and say, go at your pace baby. Just remember no cumming until I do. I see you nod fervently so I smile and lower myself and feel you lapping at me very fast. I moan and hold onto the headboard. I feel vibrations and see what made that happen. I see wanda lapping at you with 2 fingers slowly entering you. I get extremely wet and then feel you poking 3 fingers at my entrance. Fuck baby, go faster.

Y/n - I hear nat tell me to go faster so I do as she says and thrust my fingers into her at a fast pace. I feel her clenching around me which makes me think she is close. I moan at the thought of her cumming on my face which makes me suck on her clit and continue to thrust into her. I feel her body tense and her yell out as she cuts. I don't let one drop go to waste. Once she is finished and pulls away from me, I ask shakily, m- may i- I please cu-cum daddy?

Nat- I watch as you get close and say, you may, keep your eyes on me. I watch you turn your head and look t me and I watch as you cum. Once I see you relax a little and see wanda move away from you. I smile and place a soft kiss on your lips. How do you feel baby?

Y/n - I breathe heavily and I think I blacked out for a minute or two because when I see again, I see nat in front of me talking and I feel wanda rubbing my legs. I twitch lightly and look to nat. Amazing. I love you both so much. Thank you. I say tearing up.

Nat - I frown and say, you have nothing to thank us for y/n. I gently wipe your tears and say, did we go to hard? To fast?

Y/n - I shake my head and say, no, you guys are perfect. You made me feel lo-ved. I say as my voice cracks. I feel them both get into bed next to me and hold me close. I feel gentle kisses being layer anywhere they can touch which makes me smile and whisper, love you both. I then slowly slip into a deep sleep.

(1,134 words)

dom Natasha x Wanda, sub Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now