You Were My Best Friend

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Chris awakes with a gasp, rolling over. She hits the carpeted floor with a thud. Chris groans, shifting her weight. She reaches for the coffee table to her right. She tries to pull herself up, avoiding any direct light that may cause her eyes pain.

"Hey! You're awake." Steve gets up from the kitchen table. He moves toward Chris.

"Where am I?" she blurts out, staring around the large lounge. Nice furniture and fancy pictures decorate the space. A large window and glass door lead out to a pool. Chris's eyes widen. She turns to Steve. "Is this your house?"

Steve furrows his eyebrows together. "Chris, you've been here before."

"We need to go." Chris jumps to her feet, reaching for Steve's arm. She yanks him toward the front door, glancing over her shoulder every once in a while.

"What? Why?"

"Because there's something...something outside your house." Chris fumbles to open the front door with nervous hands.

"It's locked, Hopper." Steve moves forward, unlocking the door. He swings it open wide. He gives Chris a grin. "And if you're worried about that bear or whatever Nancy and Ronda thought they saw, the police checked. Everything is fine."

Chris steps out to the front porch. She turns, waiting for Steve to follow. "Everything is not fine, now will you just come with me?" she demands. Chris puts her hands on her hips.

"Chris, I—"

Something behind Chris cuts through the shadows of the trees, vanishing around the corner of the house and toward the backyard before either of them get a chance to look at it. Steve jumps back, "Holy shit!"

Chris whirls around, scanning the front driveway. "What? What did you see?" The area is isolated, the long driveway covered by pretty pine trees on either side leading to the main road. There are houses close by, only visible when the lights are on at night. No one is outside but the two of them.

"Chris, get inside."

Rustling erupts from the trees closest to them. The sound of sticks snapping and leaves moving sends chills running across Chris and Steve's skin. Steve grabs Chris's hand, pulling her off the front porch and inside the house. "Inside." Steve slams the door behind him.

"No. Steve, we have to go. You don't understand—"

"I understand plenty, Chris. There's a bear out there, and we're not leaving until the coast is clear."

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