Chrissie...Help Me

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Steve looks up from his paper, tapping his pencil on Chris's nose. She blinks, then sneezes and narrows her eyes at Steve.

He smiles, "Bless you."

"Knock it off, Harrington."

The two of them are sitting on Chris's bed in the trailer. The radio in her bedroom is playing quietly, and there are countless pieces of paper from Steve's essay scattered on her bed. Chris taps the page. "Keep writing, King Steve."

Steve sighs, writing a few more words. Chris is working on her own homework. The two of them have lost track of time. Steve puts his pencil down again. He stares at Chris, who doesn't look at him until he says, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Chris shakes her head, sniffling. "Look as far as I'm concerned, this isn't a big deal."


"No. Seriously. The Void isn't like the Upside Down. I'll be fine. I can handle those dreams."

"But what if you can't? That kid in there hurt you," Steve replies, expression turning worried. "And if there's another person out there like you and Eleven. Who's to say we won't have a repeat of last year."

"The Demogorgon is dead, Steve. I would know if it's out there."

"Okay, but what about El? The government is probably still looking for her. Maybe they're using that kid to do it? Maybe they're hoping to find you, too."

Chris shakes her head, frustrated with Steve's worry and his logical reasoning behind his worry. "No. Steve. El is gone, okay? And this kid...I think he's asking for me to help him. Help him escape."

"How do you know that?"

"I can feel it. It's a connection." Steve shakes his head, doubt spreading through him. He holds his breath. Chris puts a hand over his own. "I'm glad that you care, Steve. You know how much you mean to me. I couldn't have gotten through this year without you."

Steve stares down at their hands intertwined together. He sighs heavily. "You mean a lot to me too, Chris." Steve sits up straight, moving closer to her. "Speaking of meaning...your birthday is in a few days. What do you want to do?"

"Eat food," she replies with a big smile. She snuggles into Steve's side, cherishing the mental break from a long day of school, homework, and Shadow Walking. Steve presses his lips to her hair. Chris glances up at him again. "I just want to be with you."

"Any presents you want? A movie? A new book?"

Chris smirks. "I have a few ideas."

Steve shares her smirk. He presses his lips to hers. "Me too." He pushes Chris down on the bed, shoving their papers and books off of it. Steve leans down again, kisses trailing down her skin.

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