You Found Him?

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Ronda paces the length of the living room, ignoring the dead monster in the corner. She chews at her bottom lip, not bothering to look at the others in the group as they gather things up to continue with the plan.

"Ronnie?" asks Nancy, as Hopper carries an unconscious Will out to the front porch. Joyce and Jonathan are following after him. Hopper is giving them instructions to his cabin, where they'll surely never be found by the demo-dogs or anything else that could be after them.

"Take Denfield, then you'll see a large oak tree..."

Stopping, Nancy raises an eyebrow at Ronda. Ronda pauses to look at her. Worry paints her face in layers. Her glasses are slipping down her nose. She adjusts her frames for a moment. "I haven't heard from Robbie. I—I have no idea if he's safe."

Nancy steps forward toward her friend, extending her hand. "Come with us. We'll find him as soon as we help Will."

Outside, Jonathan opens the door for Hopper, who places Will in the backseat. Joyce gets in on the other side, placing Will's head in her lap. Jonathan faces Hopper, repeating the words back to him. "Denfield to oak tree. Swing a right."

"It's about a five minute walk from there," Chris pipes in. She folds her arms, standing on the porch. Jonathan nods to her.

"That's it. But it's channel ten, right?"

Before either Hopper can answer, headlights shine down the gravel road and a car pulls in, breaking quickly. Hopper moves forward protectively, staring at the car. "Who's that?" he wonders.

Chris moves off of the porch gingerly. "Robbie," she comments, recognizing the car that stops in front of Jonathan's. She moves past her father, as Robbie hurries out of the car.

"Hop!" He greets her. He has a look of anticipation on his face, but also has no idea what is going on here. They stopped at the Wheeler's first and Hopper's trailer home before ending up here. Robbie swallows, glancing at the wound on her leg. "Is my sister here?"

"Robbie!" Ronda shouts, running up to them. The twins hug each other tightly. "I was worried about you."

Chris stares at Robbie's car, jutting her head toward the blonde woman in the driver's seat. Her hair is vibrant and her expression fierce. "That's Lisa?"

"Yes, it is." Robbie pulls away, waving his hand to Lisa to step out of the car. Lisa turns to the backseat, uttering words that no one can hear. Lisa turns off the car, stepping out slowly.

"Hey, Rob, we don't have time for this," comments Hopper. "We have to move."

"I know, I know, but there's someone you're all going to want to meet."

Ronda snaps her attention to her brother, eyes wide. Her mouth hangs open. Her voice is barely above a whisper, her eyes darting between Robbie and his car. "You found him?"

Robbie steps aside to show Lisa and a little boy, who's wearing a hospital gown underneath Robbie's jacket. The little boy stares at everyone with wide eyes. Lisa gives them all a weary look. "Hello. I'm Lisa, and this is Nine."

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