We Protect Each Other

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As Nancy opens the door to Hopper's cabin, Ronda and Robbie both stand on either side of Nine, who hasn't said much since they've officially introduced themselves. Nancy, Jonathan, Ronda, and Joyce move inside the cabin, setting the place up to burn the virus out of Will, who rests flat on the couch, still as can be.

Lisa turns to look at the Jones family as they wait near the car. She waits patiently.

"Help him?" wonders Nine, looking at Lisa expectantly.

Lisa bobs her head once. She looks between Ronda and Robbie, who stare back at her. Right now, they understand that they do not have much connection with Nine, but they hope at least soon, that Nine will feel comfortable being around them.

Lisa extends her hand to the boy. "Come on."

Nine moves forward, taking her hand. He throws a look over his shoulder at his older siblings. As the four of them walk inside, Ronda securely shuts the door behind her. The fire is going. Heat lamps are plugged in and facing Will. He's tied down again.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" asks Jonathan.

Joyce sets her jaw, staring down at her son. "This thing has had Will long enough." She looks at the others. She turns on the heat lamps. "Let's kill the son of a bitch."

Waking to the sound of a car making a rolling, destructive crash through the pumpkin patch in the middle of the night is not the ideal situation in Chris's opinion. She bolts upright in the backseat of Billy's car, reaching for her neck in a panic.

"Hey, hey, Chrissie. It's okay. It's okay," Steve assures. He's crouching in front of her from outside of the car. He places a hand on her knee.

The four thirteen year olds are searching for the entrance to the mind flayer's veins. They have flashlights and gear to enter the tunnels. They're stepping over rotten pumpkins to do so.

The couple take in each other's features. Steve's face is very battered, bruised, and bloodied. Chris's neck is swollen and red. Tears swell in her eyes, and she shutters, shaking from the fear of being choked nearly to death. Steve pulls Chris into his chest, trying to soothe her.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't protect you," he whispers, blinking back his own tears.

Chris sniffles, stretching out her legs to stand. She hugs Steve tight, closing her eyes painfully. She swallows, wincing at the feeling of her throat contracting against the bruises. Steve gently cups her face in his hands, wiping at her tears.

"Are you okay?"

Bowing her head, Chris looks down at her left leg. It's throbbing. Her whole body feels achy, but she knows they cannot wait much longer. They have to close the gate and save Will. "I will be. We have a job to do."

Steve sighs heavily. "I'm so sorry, Chris."

"It's okay, Steve. We'll be okay." Chris squeezes his hand.

Steve places his lips against her forehead, closing his eyes tightly for a moment. His heart pounds in his chest. "I never want to be helpless against protecting you again," he mutters into her hair. Steve clears his throat, soaking her features into his vision.

"We protect each other," Chris agrees, her voice a little hoarse.

"I love you," he blurts.

I know it's a short chapter but it's kind of an important one, I think?
• Kate

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