For Barb

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"Hey, Ronnie," Melissa Jones calls from the kitchen. Ronda walks across the foyer, trying to avoid a conversation with her step-mother right now. Ronda has nothing against the woman, but she's not in the mood to speak with anyone. Not unless that person is Barbara Holland.

"I made caramel apples. In the spirit of Halloween," Missy smiles sweetly. "Would you like some?"

The thirty-four year-old works for the mayor of Hawkins; Larry Kline. As Assistant Mayor, Melissa Jones is often doing the things that Larry Kline doesn't enjoy doing; such as events or work that he thinks people won't remember him doing when he runs to get re-elected. At least, that's what Missy tells everyone at dinner. She thinks her pregnancy couldn't have come at a better time. With mid-term elections coming up, Missy decided to put a poll out to the public to see what they thought of some decisions Larry Kline has made over the past few years. She thinks it'll be good for him to struggle with the angry folk that don't like him while she's off on maternity leave. As far as everyone in Hawkins is concerned, Melissa Jones isn't running for Mayor in 1986, but she's already started her campaign, and everyone loves babies. This baby is a blessing in disguise for a woman like Missy.

"No, thank you," Ronda replies, her voice tired. She loves Missy dearly, and she knows that if she stays too long, she'll snap at the pregnant woman.

"Oh, all right." Missy picks up a big, round caramel apple. The crystalized syrup shines against the light. "More for me then!"

"You are eating for two," says Ronda, trying to stay light-hearted. "Actually, on the topic of food, I'm going to the Hollands tonight with Nancy for dinner. For Barb."

Missy, nearly nine months pregnant, beams at her step-daughter. "That's wonderful. Very kind of you, Ronnie. I'll have to send them some flowers soon. You know...with it almost being one year since Barbara vanished. I'm sure they could use some cheering up right now."

Ronda silently agrees with Missy, a numb feeling washing over her. She hates talking about Barbara and Will as if nothing strange went on last year and they just ended up being lost in the woods. What her parents don't know about her suffering; her heart feels torn between wanting to move on and refusing to let go of Barb and the possibility her brother might still be alive.

She wishes she could let her step-mother know the truth. She wishes Missy would hold her in her arms as Ronda cries over everything she's lost this past year. Ronda sniffles, not even realizing she's crying. She wipes her tears silently, and Missy notices this.

"Oh, Ronnie, honey." Missy makes her way over, and she wraps her arms around Ronda's shoulders. Her large bump makes it hard for Ronda to do the same, but she feels the warmth and love in Missy's touch, and it's everything she needs.

"I liked her so much," Ronda sobs.

Missy presses her mouth to Ronda's forehead, leaving a gentle kiss. "I know..." The woman closes her eyes, trying to find the right words to say. Parenting children is never easy. And while Missy has always felt welcome, sometimes she fears Ronda and Robbie, people she would do anything for, don't look at her as their mother.

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