She's Gone

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Feeling a hand covering her mouth, Chris gasps. She awakes and her green eyes widen. She grows stiff on the middle school gymnasium floor. Dustin's face floats over her, and he has a finger to his lips. Chris removes his hand from her mouth.

"Dustin," she whispers harshly.

"They know we're here," he hisses, yanking her up by her damp shirt.

Chris stumbles to her feet, shooting looks over her shoulders in fear. She reaches for Dustin. "Where are the others?"

"Nancy, Jonathan, and the twins are gone. Mike, Lucas, and El are heading toward Mr. Clarke's classroom." Dustin yanks her toward the doors. "We have to hurry. They'll know..."

Chris exhales shakily. "Okay. Okay. Come on." The two of them sprint down the hallways, taking a few turns until they reach Lucas, El, and Mike in a corridor.

"Are you guys okay?" she wonders, surveying their faces. Chris places one hand on Lucas's cheek and one on Mike's head. They both sigh in relief.

"Been better," admits Lucas as Chris drops her hand from his face. "How did they find us?"

"I don't know, but they knew we were in the gym," answers Chris.

"Lando," replies Dustin, not letting it go.

An exit door swings open and flashlights shine on the five of them. "Got 'em!" a man shouts.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" yells Mike.

The kids retreat back up the stairs, taking a left down the hallway. Lucas and El lead the group. "Come on!"

The agents shout indistinctly from behind them, just as another group blocks their path. They turn, heading straight. A few more agents appear in their path. They're trapped in.

"There they are. Freeze."

El narrows her eyes, staring the agents down. The Bad Men begin bleeding from their eyes. The lights go crazy as the agents fall over dead. Chris gasps, turning to Eleven. The girl tips over, falling to the floor.

"El, are you okay?" Mike shakes El as the four of them kneel around her. "El!"

"Something's wrong," Chris mutters, biting her lip.

"She's just drained," offers Dustin, touching El's arm.

"No, no, no, she won't wake up. El!" Mike shouts. He continues to shake her. "El! El!"

"Mike. Calm down. Quit shaking her." Chris pushes the boys away. "I'll carry her. C'mon."

"She's barely breathing," he snaps.

"We gotta go," she urgers.

Dr. Brenner arrives, stepping over the bodies of his dead colleagues. He strides over to the party. Chris shifts, rising to her feet. She steps in front of the younger kids.

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