I Want Justice For Her

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"What do you mean you're not going?" wonders Chris, standing in the Jones' kitchen. She cuts up a caramel apple that Missy left for the two of them. Chris puts the plate between her and Robbie. Robbie shrugs, pushing himself up so he sits on top of the kitchen table. Chris leans on the table, picking an apple slice from the plate.

"Come on, Robbie, you love parties." Chris sighs, licking caramel from her fingers. "What's the real reason?"

"What's the point of going to a party alone?" he questions, taking his own apple slice.

Chris tilts her head. "What do you mean? Ronnie and Nancy will be there. Steve and I will be there."

Robbie frowns, caramel stuck between his teeth. He shakes his head. "I'm not gonna break up Ronnie and Nancy, and I'm not gonna sit by watching you and Steve make out all night."

"Ah," Chris hums, wiping her hands on her jeans. "I see what this is about."

"I really doubt that," Robbie mutters, not bothering to look Chris in the eye. She'd see what's really bothering him.

"You want to go with someone yourself." Chris smiles, nudging Robbie to cheer him up. "You can meet someone at the party, Rob. Besides, Jonathan is probably gonna go. The two of you can hang out, you know? Scope out the ladies." Chris giggles.

"What's so funny?" he questions.

"The image of you and Jonathan brooding in a corner dressed up in silly costumes. That's what's funny." Chris stares at Robbie. "You should go, Robbie. There's nothing wrong with being on your own at a party. You never know who you could meet." Chris moves away from him, turning on the sink to wash her hands clean of caramel. Robbie watches her, dark eyes holding back longing.

"What happened?"

Chris frowns, glancing over her shoulder at Robbie. "What?"

"When that July ended? What happened?"

"Rob..." Chris sighs heavily. "I told you, remember?" When he doesn't answer, Chris turns off the sink and faces him again. "One of us would end up getting hurt. Besides, hiding all of it from Ronnie felt wrong. I—I just couldn't do it anymore." She looks back up at Robbie, unable to hide the burning sensation on her face.

Robbie lowers his head painfully. "Did you love me? Or was it just—"

"Robbie, of course I love you. You're one of my best friends, but I don't...I don't love you like that..." Chris sighs heavily, running a hand over her face to get rid of the awkward tension. "I think it's time to move on."

Robbie narrows his eyes, but swallows, holding back a nasty remark on his tongue. He gets up from the table and walks away. Chris stands frozen in place, unsure of where to go from here.

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