Just Find Will

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Barb and Nancy carry their colorful binders and notebooks in their arms down the hallway. Barb fixes her peach-colored glasses on her nose and reads off one of Nancy's notecards, "When alpha particles go through gold foil, they become—"

"Unoccupied space," Nancy finishes, nodding her head ruefully, knowing she got that answer right before Barb even agrees.

"A molecule that can—"

Someone snatches the notecards from Barb's hands and she scowls, "Hey!"

Steve flips through the cards as Tommy flicks Barb in the ear when Nancy isn't looking. Barb rubs her ear, frowning to herself. Tommy and Carol lean against the wall with satisfied smirks. "I don't know, I think you've studied enough, Nance," Steve mocks.

Nancy rolls her eyes at him. "Steve."

"I'm telling you, you know, you got this. Don't worry." Steve stacks the notecards together and holds them. "Now, on to more important matters. My dad has left town on a conference and my mom's gone with him—'cause, you know, she doesn't trust him."

Tommy grins widely. "Good call."

Steve nods to his friend and smiles back. "So are you in?"

Nancy narrows her eyes in confusion. "In for what?"

"No parents?" Carol draws on, rolling her eyes slightly. "Big house?"

"A party?" asks Nancy, looking back at Steve. She frowns, not sure about the idea.

"Ding, ding, ding!" mocks Carol, chewing on her gum.

Nancy frowns, shifting uncomfortably under Tommy and Carol's presence. "It's Tuesday."

"It's Tuesday," Tommy whines. He laughs, glancing over at his girlfriend, who stares between Nancy and Barb in disbelief. "Oh, my God."

Steve hits him on the arm, spreading his hands out in front of him. "Come on. It'll be low key. It'll just be us," he says smoothly, lowering his head to stare at Nancy. "What do you say? Are you in or are you out?"

"Uh," before Nancy can finish Carol cuts in, turning her attention to the front doors. "Oh, God. Look." She smacks her gum together.

Jonathan has just walked in with flyers, pinning one of them up to the bulletin board. Chris stands beside him, staring at the bright, cheery events placed around the picture. It seems so out of character. It grips her chest so tight it's almost hard to breathe as she watches Jonathan pin the corners.

Ronda and Robbie arrive, exchanging words with Chris and Jonathan. Robbie gives Jonathan a pat on the shoulder, not really sure how to comfort the guy. The two of them don't have much in common when it comes to mundane things like favorite school subjects and hobbies. Jonathan likes it quiet; Robbie likes being around people. Ronda glances over at the five high schoolers watching them. Her eyes lock with Barb for a moment. Barb offers her a smile, and Ronda flustered, doesn't return it. She looks away hurriedly, afraid someone will see through her facade.

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