I'm so Tired, Dad

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Chris reaches the edge of the junkyard, quietly looking around for anything odd. She doesn't see the party right away, but she knows where they're hiding. There's no evidence that anyone is here. Chris holds her breath as she moves in the direction of the bus. The grass rustles underneath her combat boots, but it's not that sound that distracts her from making her way over. She spins around, coming face to face with two men in suits. They hold up their guns to Chris.

"Don't move, Christine Hopper," one the calls out.

From the bus, the others peek out the window. They're still and hold their breath in fear that if they don't Chris'll get shot. Chris doesn't move, she stares at the two bad men.

"We won't hurt you," the other adds, lowering his gun slightly. "We need you to come with us."

"Do I look like an idiot to you, G-man?" Chris squares her shoulders. "You touch me and you get hurt."

The man smirks at Chris's supposed empty threat. The first agent doesn't lower his gun, but he says, "If you cooperate, you won't get hurt. We just need to find the girl."

Chris hums. "That's not what this is about. Like I said, I'm not an idiot. You know what I can do, and your guy, Dr. Brenner—he wants to kidnap me like he did with other kids. He's gonna use me to do whatever he wants with that thing in that place." Chris shakes her head. "You'll have to kill me before that happens."

The men move forward, but as suddenly as they try to grab Chris, they're being yanked back. Chris doesn't bother looking back as she runs to the bus. She climbs inside, only to be pulled into an engulfing hug by Robbie.

"All right, let's go," Hopper orders, sticking his head inside after they all listen to the commotion outside. The bad men are unconscious on the ground. Their guns are gone. The younger kids stare at Hopper in awe. "Let's go!" he demands.

They rush out of the bus, grabbing their bags. They'll grab their bikes when this is all over. Hopper takes the kids away from the junkyard, driving them back to the Byers' house where Ronda, Joyce, Jonathan, and Nancy are waiting. As he pulls into the driveway, the four of them hurry outside.

"Mike," Nancy breathes. "Oh, my God. Mike!" Nancy hugs Mike, who stands in her grasp awkwardly. Robbie and Ronda hug each other as well, but everyone's attention is on Nancy and Mike. "I was so worried about you."

Mike steps back. "Yeah, uh me, too."

Nancy's eyes travel over to El. "Is that my dress?"

Hopper pulls Chris aside as everyone else heads inside, led by Joyce. He stares down at his daughter. His eyes are stern, mixed with irritation and relief. "You lied."

Chris nods. "I know." Chris stares down at the ground, swallowing hard. "I just didn't want you to look at me differently."

"I would've believed you."

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