He's Not Anywhere

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"Hey, Chief," Robbie greets, standing on the front porch of the trailer home. He has his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans. His black bomber jacket is puffed out, catching the wind. Robbie's eyes look tired. "Here to pick up Chris."

Hopper steps aside, already dressed and ready to head out. He's going to meet Jonathan and Joyce at the Roane County Coroner's office. "She's in her room. I gotta go."

Robbie nods, side-stepping around the front door so Hopper can leave. The Chief grabs his hat and keys before heading off. Robbie closes the door behind him and moves down the tiny hall to Chris's room. "Hey, Chrissie! It's me!" Robbie knocks on the door. There's no answer. "Chris?" He pushes the door open to find Chris still asleep. Robbie frowns to himself. He sits down on her bed and reaches for her shoulder.

"Chris. Wake up." She groans, furrowing her eyebrows together. "Chris, come on. Wake up." Robbie shakes Chris hard by the shoulders. Her eyes fly open and she reaches for Robbie, pushing him away. Robbie falls off the bed, hitting his head hard. A stack of books falls on him.

"I can't find him," she blurts, panic settling inside her. Chris closes her eyes, covering her face in her hands. "I can't find him. I can't find him. I can't find him!"

Robbie rolls over on the floor, pushing himself up by his arms. "Chris. Chris! Hey." Robbie reaches for Chris again. "Come on, don't push me away. I have bruises on my ribs and a shit ton of books just fell on me."

"I can't find him. I can't...he's not there. He's not anywhere."

"Who? Chris? You had a nightmare. It's okay." Robbie grabs her arms, pulling them away from her face. She closes her eyes tightly, trying to avoid the light. "It was just a nightmare."

"No," she groans. "No. Will's gone. I can't find him." Her voice cracks with intensity. Chris buries her face in Robbie's neck, crying harder. "Will's gone."

Robbie holds her close, resting his chin on her head. "It's okay. It's okay."

Ronda leans against the brick wall of the school building. She watches older students running around the track for Phy. Ed. class; she listens to the conversation Nancy and Steve are having in the tiny alcove behind her. Steve doesn't know Ronda's there. The girl folds her arms, tilting her head to hear better.

"So, wait a sec. I don't understand," Steve replies, his voice stern. "You went back to my house?"

"To look for Barb," defends Nancy.

"Yeah, okay, but why didn't you just talk to me? That's crazy."

"I don't know, I-I was scared."

Steve waves a hand, giving her a confused look. "You seriously think you saw a guy in a mask just hanging out in my yard?"

"I don't think it was a mask."

"But he had no face?" repeats Steve, raising a skeptical eyebrow at her.

"I don't know! I don't know, I just-I have a terrible feeling about this."

Steve spins in a circle, running a hand through his brown hair. He thinks for a moment, inhaling deeply. "Oh, this is bad. This is really bad."


"The cops. They're gonna want to talk to all of us now. Tommy, Carol, everybody who was at the party."


Steve turns back to Nancy, stepping forward. "My parents are gonna murder me!"

"Are you serious right now?"

"You don't understand. My dad's a grade-A asshole."

Ronda bites her tongue. She knows she can't waltz in and yell at Steve for being a grade-A asshole like his father. How can he be so insensitive?

"Barb is missing! And you're worried about your dad?"

"Okay, just-when you talk to the cops, just don't mention the beers. It's just gonna get us both in trouble, and Barbara's got nothing to do with it, okay?"

Nancy shakes her head, wrapping her hand around her bag on her shoulder. "I can't believe you right now. I can't believe you." Nancy storms out of the alley, hair flying off her shoulders. Ronda follows after her.

"Nancy. Nancy, wait! Nancy!" Steve puts his hands on his hips in annoyance.

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