A Game of Watermelon Baseball

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The drive to Columbus, Ohio is about four hours from Hawkins. Robbie is about three hours away, and has an exact location of where he's supposed to meet this woman named Lisa, but she has no clue that it'll be him that arrives and not Chris. This could give him the edge he needs, though. For all anyone knows this could be a trap.

It's no secret that Dr. Brenner was interested in Chris's Shadow Walking. This lab in Columbus might want the same thing from her. Having Robbie go instead will give him the advantage he may need to save his little brother, who according to Chris, wants to be saved.

He's been reaching out to her through the Void, asking for help, but unable to give much information in fear of those that may be listening to him on the other side. Lisa could be an ally, or she could be setting a trap and using Nine to do so. Either way, Robbie feels the urgence of this situation settling in, but he has no plan and no real back up. He hopes that Lisa Drewins is truly a good person looking to save his brother and not screw him over.

Christine and Steve are sitting on her couch. Chris is wrapped up in a blanket, her face is flushed with heat. She shivers, and Steve can see her shaking underneath the blanket. The trailer is radiating heat. Steve can see how much weight she's lost in the last week. It is incredibly alarming. He's afraid that she'll blow over with the slightest gust of wind, or snap in half with the pressure of his arms wrapped around her.

"Are you cold?" he wonders gently. Off of her irritated look, Steve frowns deeply. "Can I help at all?"

"I—I don't know..." she replies, gritting her teeth. Chris is exhausted.

"Y-you don't look so good."

Chris scoffs a little, rolling her eyes. "I hadn't noticed."

Steve stares at her, his dark brown eyes wide. He's soaking up her features, picturing a strong and healthy Chris Hopper in hopes that his manifestation will work. He reaches toward her, grabbing at her thin wrist. "This isn't healthy, Chrissie," he presses, shaking his head. He runs a hand through his full head of hair, anxious. "You have to—to get up, and—and do something."

Chris narrows her eyes, huffing. "Every time I get up it's like someone is pouring lava into my body, all right? My head feels like it's going to split into millions of pieces and this thing, my ability won't go away. It's like ever since Will and—and Eleven—everything, it's all screwed up." Her voice is slowly getting louder. Even though she's fighting a potentially losing battle she has enough energy to argue. "So don't tell me that I need to do something when I can't no matter how much I want to!"

Steve huffs, leaning back in his seat, letting go of her wrist. "You'll tell me if you need something, right?"

Chris gives him a faint, unconvincing smile. "Of course, Steve."

"What's bothering you?" wonders Steve, giving her a gentle look.

"I should be there," she mumbles. "I should be wherever my Dad is. Normally, it's like pulling me down. Like a magnet, I can't escape that place." Chris's eyes fill with tears. "But now...it's painful. I'm losing focus, and I'm not there with him. He's trapped and I can't go save him." Chris cries silently, burying her head in her arms. Steve slides over, wrapping his arms around her. Chris snuggles into him, sniffling. Steve kisses the top of her head and they sit in silence for a moment.

"Chrissie!" someone shouts, pounding up the stairs to the front door. They knock loudly.

Steve grunts, moving off the couch. "I'll get it." As Steve moves toward the door, they knock again. "Relax, all right. Coming!" He swings the door open, revealing Dustin Henderson. He's wearing his headset over his red and white baseball cap.


"What are you doing here, Dustin?"

"Where's Chris?" He tries to peek around Steve.

Steve stands his ground, narrowing his eyes. "Chris isn't feeling well. She's sick and needs rest. You boys can't bother her right now—"

"That doesn't matter," Dustin snips, waving a dramatic arm in Steve's face. "We have bigger problems than that." Chris delicately gets up from her spot on the couch and wanders in, peeking behind Steve's shoulder. She has wiped all the tears from her eyes, and she hugs herself, holding herself up. Dustin's eyes flicker to her, and he pauses for a moment. She really does look in rough shape.

"Do you still have that bat?"

"Bat? What bat?"

"The one with the nails?" asks Chris softly. Dustin nods.

Steve furrows his eyebrows together. "Why?"

"I'll explain it on the way." Dustin moves off the porch, heading towards Steve's maroon BMW. Steve shares a glance with Chris, who already reaches for her shoes. Steve's head swivels between the two of them. Dustin has the passenger door open, getting inside.

"Now?" asks Steve.

"Now!" Dustin demands.

Checking his pockets for his keys, Steve leans in to speak softly to Chris. "Are you sure you're up for this?"

"Maybe some monster hunting is just what I need," she whispers back, shutting and locking the front door behind them.

Taking Chris's hand, Steve pulls her off the porch with him, mumbling, "I really hope this isn't a monster hunting situation."

"Why else would Dustin need the spiked bat?"

Steve gives her a disgruntled look, really not liking the idea of dragging Chris from the house. He shrugs absently, opening the back door for her to slip inside. "A game of watermelon baseball?"

Dustin turns his head back at them, "We should try that some time!" Chris giggles softly.

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