He's Losing Everyone Around Him

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Chris stands by the Dodge Challenger, watching as people leave Will Byers' funeral. Joyce sits by the casket, not acknowledging anyone that comes by to give their condolences. Lonnie does most of the talking.

"I got a bad feeling about that guy," says Robbie.

Chris follows his gaze to Lonnie. Jonathan moves away from his family as Nancy reaches him. The two of them are having a silent conversation about something.

"Lonnie. Jonathan's dad. Yeah. He's no good. Jonathan wasn't happy about it when I came over," she replies. "Apparently he's staying a while. Jonathan says that he thinks Joyce is sick. After what Nancy showed him in the picture, though, Jonathan believes Joyce."

"So we all know?" asks Robbie, leaning against the car. "About Will's fake body in that casket and monsters in the walls. And shadow places?"

Chris shakes her head. "No. No. Nancy and Jonathan just think that there's something out there—the Demogorgon; they think it took Barb and Will. That's it. They don't know about El, and they don't know about the lab or the experiments. They don't know about me or the Vale of Shadows." Chris sighs. "And I think we should keep it that way for a while. The less people sticking their noses in the shadows the better. Everyone that goes in there gets hurt."

"Not you."

Chris frowns. "Yeah, I do. Not physically, but I've seen people dying in there. I see Will's terrified face every time I close my eyes. It's not a walk through the park, Rob. It's horrible."

"I know—"

Chris shakes her head again. "No, you don't." Chris moves away from the car, walking towards Joyce. Chris's black converse sink into the soft ground."Hi, Joyce."

"Oh. Oh, Chris." Joyce offers her to sit down in the chair. "Sit."

Chris sits down next to Joyce, taking her hand tightly. She inhales sharply. "The hole in the wall," she begins. Her voice is steady and quiet. "You were trying to get to Will and me, weren't you?"

Joyce sniffles, squeezing Chris's hand. "How are you here? Why isn't he?"

"He's stuck. Something is keeping him there. And I can find him, but I can't get him out," Chris whispers.

"What—what do I do?"

Chris shakes her head. "Nothing. You can't do anything. If you try and get to him, if you get stuck in there, too. You'll die." A tear runs down Chris's face. "You have to promise me that you can't go in there. Whatever happens. I will find a way to bring him back."

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