Drench It

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Wiping sweat from his forehead, Robbie sits on a kitchen chair, his elbows dig into his knees. He rests his chin in his hands, staring at Will. Everyone is sweating, they've all removed some layers, trying to stay cool, while little Will's body grows warmer and warmer. The only one that seems completely unphased is Nine.

Nine is closest to Will, staring at him with intrigue.

Will startles awake, looking around. He pants, tugging at the ropes. Nine jumps back, standing next to Lisa.

"What's happening?" Will grunts. "It hurts."

The infected boy starts screaming painfully, thrashing around. Everyone steps back in shock and sorrow. Ronda turns away from the sight as Lisa and Nine crowd next to Robbie, who sits up straight in his chair.

"It hurts! It hurts! Let me go! Let me go! It hurts!" Will shouts.

Jonathan buries his head in Nancy's shoulder, who holds him against her.

"It hurts! Let me go! Let me go! It hurts!"

"Mom," Jonathan moans, unable to listen to this.

"No!" she shouts, turning up the heat on the heat lamps. Will screams louder.

Dustin appears near Steve and Chris, holding out equipment for them to put on. Steve ignores him, his attention still on Chris, who hasn't said a word back to him.

"Chris?" he asks.

"We gotta go!" demands Dustin. He shoves the goggles and masks into their hands. Chris blinks, taking the gear from Dustin. "Keep us safe," he tells her.

Chris sighs, moving away from Steve, whose face flashes with confusion. Quickly, the young teens drop down into the tunnel. They all hold themselves out for Chris to drop into the tunnel, who does it with care so she doesn't hurt her leg even more.

Steve drops down last, taking in the scene around them. Graining, goopy walls covered in slithering veins surround them. The tunnel of veins fork off in multiple directions. Steve surveys the area. "Holy shit."

Mike points his flashlight off to the left, consulting his makeshift map. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's this way."

"You're pretty sure, or you're certain?" asks Dustin.

"I'm one hundred percent sure," Mike shouts through the muffling of his mask. "Just follow me and you'll know."

Steve stops Mike from taking another step. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey. I don't think so."


Steve stares at all of them through his yellow goggles. "Any of you little shits die down here, I'm getting the blame. Got it, dipshit? From here on out, I'm leading the way. Come on, let's go." Steve starts off in the direction that Mike pointed to. "Come on." The others watch him go. He looks back at them. "Hey, a little hustle."

With Steve, Mike, Lucas, and Max taking the lead, carrying the gasoline, matches and flashlights, they watch their footing to avoid the vines on the ground. Dustin helps Chris walk with them, keeping pace as she walks unevenly on her feet.

"I heard what Steve said to you," Dustin comments quietly.

Chris's eyes travel up to Steve, who's leading the group. She clears her throat, but doesn't reply.

"You didn't say it back," the curly-haired boy continues. "Why didn't you say it back?"

The Shadow Walker stops walking, staring down at Dustin impatiently. "Dust, drop it will you?"

"Why are you denying what is so obviously real and true?" he snips, throwing his hands at his sides.

Chris rolls her eyes, "You don't get it."

"I don't get what? That you do love him. You're just afraid that admitting it will make it more real? Why?"

Huffing, Chris bows her head. "If I admit it, I'll lose him. That's how it always goes. People that love me either die, leave me, or turn bitter with grief."

Dustin shines the flashlight up toward Chris in annoyance. "And keeping yourself at arms distance is going to help that? That's bullshit, Chrissie, and you know it." Dustin moves forward, leaving her behind. As he does, Dustin gets sprayed in the face by contagious dust. He startles, crying out. Dustin trips, calling out for help.

Chris and the others hurry toward him, reaching him.

"Dustin," says Mike, grabbing his arm.

Steve reaches him, checking the boy for injuries as he collects himself. "Dustin. What happened?"

Spitting and wiping at his mouth, Dustin whimpers. "It's in my mouth! Some got on my mouth! Shit!" Dustin coughs. "I'm okay," he pants, cooling down.

The party frowns, shaking their heads and turning away from him. They mutter about his dramatization along the way. Chris pats Dustin's shoulder. He looks up at her, getting back on his feet. "I'm sorry," he mumbles.

The group of monster hunters arrive at the hub, climbing over the ledge of big veins to reach it. Each one of them surveys the large area. Steve stares at the map. "All right, Wheeler. I think we found your hub."

Mike turns to Max and Lucas, who are holding the containers of gasoline. "Drench it," he orders.

Only two chapters left! Wow! Maybe I'll post them sooner? Who knows!
Enjoy & don't get stuck in the Upside Down.
• Kate

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