Plant Your Feet

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The laboratory in Columbus is humming with steady activity. There isn't much for Lisa Drewins to be doing, what with Nine resting and all. Dr. Quill has been putting him through plenty of work trying to find the missing girl, Eleven. Although, Lisa feels this isn't the only girl that Dr. Quill and the lab are looking for. After Nine's latest encounter in the light room, Lisa had an inkling he wasn't being completely open about what was going on. Hearing this girl, Chris, talk to him through the radio makes Lisa wonder about who he could be talking to. She knows that name sounds familiar. A girl named Chris.

It came to her last night, while she was reviewing recent statements and reports from their sister lab in Hawkins, Indiana.

A girl by the name of Christine Hopper seems to have a connection. A gift of being witness to those that step through the gateway and into the other dimension. Lisa has never seen this gate or other dimension herself, nor has she even seen pictures of it, but she knows Dr. Quill has. The older women hates discussing it, which means it must be pretty dark. Lisa can't imagine being dragged into that place all the time. She isn't quite sure what the lab wants with Christine Hopper, but clearly she's an important asset.

Knowing where to find Christine Hopper isn't the issue, though. It's how to obtain her. Now, Lisa certainly doesn't think it's plausible to rip a seventeen year-old girl away from her life and keep her in a lab, nor does she think it's acceptable to have done it to poor little Nine, but what would they do with the boy if he did ever leave the lab?

Maybe it's wrong of Lisa to feel so passive about holding children in a lab all of their lives to fulfill scientific discoveries, but Lisa is an intern with no authority. Her only job is to make sure the boy isn't in any violation of human rights. This has nothing to do with morals, and unfortunately, there would never be a way to get the boy out of the lab without being caught and killed.

Lisa, having been thinking long and hard during her lunch break, carefully folds closed the notebook and folder she has with information on Christine Hopper. She has an address written on an envelope. Lisa tucks away the envelope into her lab coat. She rises from the table in the little lounge, making her way out the door and down the speckled, heather gray tiles. She passes a guard on her way, nodding her head to him. Her blond hair is twisted in a knot at the base of her neck, but she suddenly feels very flushed. The warmth rising in her neck and face. She shouldn't be so anxious. Sending a letter won't get her killed. It isn't suspicious unless she makes it seem so.

Turning the corner, Lisa arrives at Nine's room. She unlocks the door and announces herself. The lights are dim. Nine is resting, his back is to the door. What a brave little kid, she thinks. Lisa moves toward the bed, leaning down and touching his shoulder. He's warm to touch, but he doesn't burn her like he has before, many many times.

"I'm going to get you out of here," she whispers. "Just hang on."

After a poor basketball match in P.E. class, and an even more miserable shower, all Steve Harrington wants to do is get on with the rest of his school day and go home. He wants to sit in his bed, flipping through some dumb sports magazine while Chris curls into his side, reading or writing. He wants to play with her vibrant red hair as she makes up an elaborate story. Then, they'll doze off, with her in his arms. They'll dream together, it'll be a good dream. Peaceful.

But Chris isn't anywhere to be found.

Steve sees Robbie by his own locker, digging inside. The school day has about two hours left. Robbie looks like he's ready to get out of the building just as much as Steve is.

"Hey, man," mumbles Steve, jutting his chin up in hello.

Robbie nods back, grabbing his science textbook, dumping the rest of his things at the bottom of his locker. He shuts it, raising an eyebrow at the boy. Talking to Robbie individually always felt weird. Steve knows Robbie and Chris used to sleep together. He knows Robbie still feels something for Chris, and on top of that, Steve knows that Robbie's little brother is somewhere in the world being experimented on just like Eleven was. Steve shifts on his feet, ignoring his jittery thoughts.

"You seen Chris today?"

Robbie shakes his head, the disappointed look on his face seems permanent when he's around Steve. "No. She isn't with you?"

"She wanted to see Will this morning." Steve glanced down the hallway, a little lost in the moment. "I figured she'd show up at some point."

Robbie narrows his eyes at the mention of the kid. "What's wrong with the kid?"

"Nothing...I think. He, uh, he's just having a tough time." Steve shrugs, shaking his head. He runs a hand through his hair. "I—I don't really know."

Robbie steps away, moving toward his science class. He stares at Steve closely, noticing how exhausted the guy seems. "Jonathan and Nancy skipped today too, maybe the three of them are up to something?"

"Without Ronnie," Steve scoffs, putting his hands on his hips. "Doubt it."

Robbie's mouth twitches in a small smirk. He agrees quietly, "Yeah."

"Steve Harrington without Royal Red," coons Tommy from behind him. Steve hangs his head for a brief moment. Robbie rolls his eyes as Steve turns to stand next to him. The two of them face Tommy Hall, Billy Hargrove, and a few stragglers from their P.E. class.

"Where is the royal lady, huh? Off with Byers?" mocks Tommy, grinning like a cat. He stares over at Billy, hoping he'll join in on the fun. "Oh, but princess Nancy is gone too? Could it be, Loner Byers snags both Christine and Nancy from Steve Harrington."

"Why don't you just shut up, Tommy," Steve comments. He's never been great at comebacks. Most of his time spent in school was not on the receiving end of bullies. Steve is the top of the food chain, well used to be. Sure, no one messes around with Chris Hopper, but nowadays, people think Steve has gone soft. Maybe he has. He doesn't care because he's happy with her. He's content with his choices, but man does the incessant name-calling, cruelty, and fighting suck.

"Foxy," Billy draws out, his eyes alight with malice, "doesn't seem like the type to ditch and leave Steve here all alone."

"It's Christine," Robbie and Steve correct, gritting their teeth.

"Must've been in a nasty fight." Billy leans in, his smile bigger than Tommy's. He stares lazily at Steve; he enjoys dragging out the mockery. His blues contrast with Steve's brown ones so much so, it's night and day, although nothing about Billy seems so bright and warm as day would. "Don't take it too hard, man. A pretty boy like you has got nothing to worry about."

Billy leans back a bit, glancing at Robbie. "Plenty of bitches in the sea." He slaps Steve on the shoulder, causing the boy to slip back half a step. "Am I right? I'll be sure to leave you some." He slips between Robbie and Steve, and before he leaves he calls out, "Plant your feet, King Steve."

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