It Scares Me

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One Month Later

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One Month Later

Chief Hopper opens the door to a bar and grill. He gestures for the person behind him to step inside. Lisa Drewins enters through the door, giving Hopper an appreciative look. She unwraps the red scarf around her neck, moving toward a booth pressed against a wall. The place is decorated with holiday string lights. Lisa slides into the seat across from Dr. Owens, and Hopper occupies the space next to her.

Dr. Sam Owens gives both of them a thin-lipped smile. The TV behind the bar is playing the news report on the shutting down of Hawkins Lab, and it's sister lab: Columbus, and the death of Barbara Holland.

"Chief-o," he comments. Sam Owens nods to Lisa. "Miss Drewins."

"How's the leg?" asks Hopper.

"Better." Owens gestures to it. "Pretty sure my football career is over," he chuckles. Hopper smirks slightly and Owens offers his sandwich to them. "Want some? No way I'm gonna finish it."

Patting his stomach, Hopper shakes his head. "No. I'm, uh, on a diet."

Sam smiles, "Well, you're a better man than me." Sam reaches into his coat pocket, grabbing two envelopes. He hands each of them one. "Hey, got a little something for you. Congratulations."

Lisa opens it, recognizing the title of a birth certificate for the State of Indiana. It's issued to Nicolas Drewins. Born in Hawkins, Indiana. Birth parents: Julianne and Ronald Jones. Born August 18th, 1971.

Hopper's expression turns to surprise. He looks at Sam Owens, then to Lisa. "I thought—"

"Sometimes I impress even myself. Still, I'd let things cool off for a while, if I were you."

Lisa frowns a little, folding her adoptive son's birth certificate back into the envelope again. She swallows. "How long is a while?"

"Want to be safe?" Sam sniffles, thinking. "I give it a year."

Hopper raises his eyebrows. "A year? What about one night out?"

"One night?"

"Yeah. How risky would that be?"

Dr. Owens looks between the two of them, confused. "What's so important about one night?"

Robbie sits across from Lisa, who's unpacking a box from her old apartment in Columbus. The move to Hawkins did not take long. Once Hopper offered her his old trailer home to rent out for her and Nine, she knew this would be her new life. She understood that this group of blended individuals had taken her and the little boy in. Lisa and Nine are a part of their team now. She liked it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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