You Got it, Stevie

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November 3rd, 1984
Hawkins, Indiana

Steve is digesting all of the information that Dustin has given him about the Pollywog named Dart. A lizard-looking creature that apparently can grow ten times the size in just a matter of days. Steve stares out at the road, he huffs out, glancing over at Dustin. "Wait a sec. How big?"

Dustin holds out his fingers about four inches apart to show Steve. "First it was like that." He spreads his hands out to about two feet. "Now he's like this."

"I swear to God, man, it's just some little lizard, okay?"

"It's not a lizard," snips Dustin. He hates being accused of lying or being wrong about something.

"How do you know?"

"How do I know if it's not?"

"How do you know it's not just a lizard?" Steve argues back. He doesn't know why he's arguing with Dustin Henderson, of all people, or why the kid is in the passenger seat of his car while his girlfriend is walking through other dimensions in her sleep. Two years ago, Steve Harrington would've never imagined in lifetimes he'd be where he is right now. He doesn't hate it, but he isn't thrilled either.

"Because his face opened up and he ate my cat."

Steve bobs his head to himself, realizing that this is probably a good reason to think it is not a lizard and why Dustin has requested the spiked baseball bat. Steve turns into Dustin's neighborhood and as he does so, Chris Hopper shouts awake from the backseat.

"Holy shit!" Dustin exclaims.

Steve slams on the breaks, causing the three of them to jolt forward in the car. The car idles as Dustin and Steve both stare back at Chris, who swallows painfully.

"Chris?" asks Dustin, wondering what the hell is up with that.

Chris presses her eyes shut firmly, catching her breath. "I'm good...I'm okay. Dad is safe..."

Turning his attention back on the road, Steve pulls up to the street outside Dustin's house. The three of them get out of the car, and Steve hurries to the trunk. He tosses his keys to Dustin, who catches them in surprise. Steve grabs the spiked bat, twirling it in his hand. He grabs two flashlights, handing one over to Chris.

"Let's go monster hunting...again." He sighs, shutting the trunk. Dustin directs the two of them to his backyard, where the cellar is located. It is chained up and locked. The group makes their way over to the cellar. Chris and Steve shine their flashlights on the cellar.

"I don't hear shit," says Steve, glancing over at Dustin, who is a few gracious feet away.

"He's in there."

Steve taps the doors of the cellar lightly with the bat. Nothing inside the cellar stirs. Steve pounds on the cellar harder. Again, nothing. "All right, listen, kid." Steve swivels around, pointing his flashlight directly in Dustin's eyes. "I swear, if this is some sort of Halloween prank—you're dead."

Dustin squints, trying to move out of the line of light. "It's not. It's not a prank." Dustin steps back in annoyance. "Get it out of my face."

Chris puts a hand on Steve's arm. He turns to her, noticing how warm her hand feels on his skin. Chris raises an eyebrow up at her boyfriend. "Come on, King Steve."

Suddenly, Steve frowns. He tips his head down toward her, speaking gently and quietly. "I don't...I don't want to be called that anymore." He stares at her with wide brown eyes, and Chris doesn't have to ask why; she understands completely.

"You got it, Stevie," she says sweetly, giving him a soft kiss. Even her lips feel incredibly warm.

"Can we please get back to the monster in my cellar," Dustin calls to them. They look at him. He raises a pointed eyebrow at the two of them.

Steve sighs. "You got a key for this thing?" Dustin fished the key out of his pocket, holding it out to Steve. "Let me see that." Steve grabs the key, handing the flashlight over to Dustin in exchange. Steve props the bat against the cellar and starts unlocking the doors. He peels the chains off the handles and grabs his bat again. Steve opens up the door on the left first. He doesn't see anything right away, so he opens up the second door. Dustin and Chris both point the flashlights inside. Nothing catches the light except an empty cellar.

"He must be further down there. I'll stay up here in case he tries to escape," Dustin says.

Steve rolls his eyes, taking the flashlight from Dustin. He looks up at Chris. "You stay here."

"What? No—"

"Chris," he says, and his tone immediately causes her to not say another word. Steve steps down into the cellar slowly, shining the light around. He has his bat ready to swing. He finds the lightbulb hanging from the ceiling and yanks on it, allowing more light to appear. Steve notices a pile of slimy translucent yellow skin on the floor. He picks it up with the bat and it drips like goop onto the floor.

"Steve?" Dustin questions. "Steve, what's going on down there?"

Steve appears at the base of the cellar, startling both Dustin and Chris. "Get down here." The two of them climb down the cellar. Steve shows Dustin the skin on the bat.

"Oh, shit." Dustin follows Steve's light toward a large hole in the wall of the cellar. "Oh, shit!" The three of them take a closer look, peering into a long underground tunnel that Dart has dug for himself to escape. Dustin examines it in disbelief. "No way. No way."

Chris groans, hanging her head in defeat.

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