Hey There, Shadow Walker

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November 21st, 1983
Hawkins, Indiana

"Hey, there, Shadow Walker."

Chris lets out a low groan, closing her eyes tightly at the light that shines on her face. A shadow moves, blocking out the light. Chris sighs opening her eyes slower again. Steve Harrington's soft brown eyes and wide grin is the first thing she can make out.

"King Steve," she mocks, her voice dry. Chris coughs, leaning forward to ensure she doesn't choke on her own throat.

Steve presses a hand on Chris's back, patting her gently. He helps her sit up straight. "Easy. You've been asleep for a week."

Taking in her surroundings and what Steve has said, Chris seems to lose her ability to breathe. She coughs again, struggling to breathe. Steve rubs her back, trying to soothe her. Chris shivers against his smooth touch and after a few seconds, she lets out a ragged breath.

"You know?"

Steve gestures to the journal on Chris's bedside table. "I didn't know you felt that way about me," he teases.

Chris furrows her eyebrows together. "What? That journal hardly even mentions you, Harrington. I can't believe you read that without asking."

Steve shrugs, running a hand through his hair. "How could I? You were asleep for a week." Steve watches the color drain from her face. Chris reaches for the table beside her, ready to storm out of the hospital room. Steve places a hand on her arm. "W-wait. Wait a second. Chrissie. Stop. Let me explain everything before you storm out of here with the back of your hospital gown flying in the wind."

"You'd never bother to stop me," she snips, giving him a pointed look.

"Under different circumstances, sure, but there are little kids out there waiting to visit you."

Chris scoffs, hiding a smile. She folds her arms, leaning back on the bed. "All right. Start talking, King Steve."

Steve smiles, going right into detail how he helped the twins, Jonathan, and Nancy fight off the Demogorgon, which then ended up at the school where she and the kids were. All the while, Joyce and Hopper were in the Upside Down trying to revive Will. With Will safely back with Joyce and Hopper, the rest of the police came to the Middle School with everyone's parents. Chris was rushed to the hospital, presumably in some sort of comatose state. Will was in critical condition for a few hours, but woke up. He's at home with Jonathan and Joyce now.

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