It's Gonna Be Okay, Hop

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November 3rd, 1983
Hawkins, Indiana

The morning of November 3rd, Robbie drank copious amounts of coffee, trying to wrap his head around the fact that he indeed had a little brother that is still alive. He didn't sleep well the night before. Ronda dropped off the letter and the life-changing news, then left to see Nancy and Jonathan. Robbie read over the letter many many times, feeling so many emotions at once. His sister had been right. His brother is out there somewhere, stuck in a place no one should ever be. He doesn't even have a real name.

Robbie paced the length of the kitchen for a while, but when Missy came downstairs, he didn't want to bother her with his stress, especially so close to her due date. He gave her a swift hug and left the house, with the letter still in his hand.

Arriving at Chris's house, he isn't surprised to see that Chief Hopper isn't home. The man is never around anymore, from what Robbie can tell. Chris doesn't seem too upset about this either, which does surprise him. Robbie hurries up the front little porch, ignoring the sagging pumpkins on the steps. He knocks on the door urgently. When no one answers, he knocks again, loudly.

"Chirs? Hello? Chris!" Robbie pounds on the door. He huffs out bitterly then reaches to twist the door handle. The door opens softly. "Hopper?" he calls out. "I'm coming inside." Robbie closes the door behind him, surveying the small kitchen and couch. Chris is not there. Robbie moves toward Chris's room, "Hey, Chris. Are you up? I knocked..."

He opens the door to her room, and his eyes land on Chris. She's curled on the floor, dead asleep. Robbie drops to his knees, panic rises like a balloon in his throat. Robbie grabs at her shoulders, gently shaking her. He sees how warm she feels to touch and ignores it for now. "Hop?" he asks softly. She hardly moves, so Robbie shakes her body a little bit harder. "Christine?" Robbie frowns, sitting back on his heels. He hurries out of her bedroom, grabbing a mug from the kitchen. He fills the mug with cold water, turning back to Chris's bedroom. Robbie comes back over to her, crouching down.

"Please don't be mad," he mumbles. Robbie carefully dumps the mug of cold water on Chris, aiming for her shoulders and chest.

Chris gasps awake, then screams. Robbie startles back, knocking the mug on the floor. It cracks slightly, but doesn't break. Chris pants, mopping water off of her neck, she stares at Robbie in shock, gathering her thoughts, then she starts crying, bringing her knees to her chest. Robbie frowns, moving back toward her. He puts a hand on her arm, she's already burning up again.

"Chris?" Through her tears, Chris stares at Robbie with watery green eyes. "I came to talk about the letter," he says softly. "But...I didn't realize you were sick."

"I'm not," she croaks. "I'm not sick. I just...had nightmares." Chris freezes up suddenly, remembering the Shadow Walking she did with her father.

"Dad." The girl rises to her feet on incredibly wobbly legs. She stumbles past Robbie, who shuffles to his feet, worried about her. Chris reaches for the phone attached to the wall. She dials and waits, but there's no answer. Choking down a worried whimper, Chris dials again. "Please, Dad," she whispers, her eyes heavy. She shakes and Robbie can see it from here. Chris puts the phone back on the receiver and slowly sinks to her knees. Robbie comes over to her. She's breathing heavily, labored. Her eyes flutter open and close rapidly, as if she's fighting with her eyelids to stay open.

"Chris...what's going on? Talk to me."

"Dad...He's stuck." She swallows, sighing. "Pumpkin patch." Chris grips Robbie's arm with incredible strength despite how sick she looks and sounds. "You have to call Joyce. Tell her where he is."

Robbie stands up, dialing Joyce's number. He stares down at Chris, who pushes herself against the wall. She leans her back to it, head drooping. Robbie hears the line connect. "Hello? Joyce?"

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