Halfway Happy

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October 31st, 1984Hawkins, Indiana

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October 31st, 1984
Hawkins, Indiana

Living with a girl like Eleven hasn't been a dull day since the day Hopper and Chris found her. After finding her, Eleven told the two of how she ended up where she ended up. After killing the Demogorgon she was in the Upside Down. She was calling for Mike and Chris, wondering how to get back out. She stumbled across an opening on the wall at the middle school and slipped out. There were bad men with guns still searching for her.

Eleven had managed to escape, traveling back to Mike's house, but the bad men were there as well. They had almost caught her, but she ran into the woods, and didn't come back. She hid in the woods for months, where Hopper and Chris searched long and hard to find her.

Now there are rules for El and Chris and Hopper to follow. El is not allowed outside of the cabin—ever. Hopper and Chris aren't allowed to tell anyone. At least until the people at the Hawkins Lab stop looking for her. Chris and El aren't allowed to contact people through the Void. No Shadow Walking together either. All of these rules and secrets have been difficult for the two girls to follow. After last year's events, the two of them aren't afraid of much, but Hopper easily put it into perspective for the two.

"If anyone finds out. You both die."

Chris never thought dying would happen so soon.

"Boo!" Eleven stands in front of Chris's bed, wearing a white sheet over herself. The eyes are cut out.

"Oh, God!"

Hopper looks over from the kitchen stove, where french toast is being burnt. He smirks slightly as Chris rises from her bed. "You don't like waking up from screams either, huh?"

"Haha, Dad."

"Ghost," says El bluntly. She shifts between Chris and Hopper.

"Yeah," sighs Hopper. "I see that." He puts the french toast out on plates. Chris reaches over for her clothes and watch. She moves toward the bathroom to get ready for school.

"Halloween," continues El.

"Sure is," mumbles Hopper. He gives everyone the right proportions of toast and bacon. He sets the plates down at their seats at the table. "But right now, it's breakfast, okay? Come on, let's eat."

Chris stops at the bathroom door, leaning against it. She watches El, understanding where this will go. She chews on her bottom lip, feeling for the girl.

"They wouldn't see me."

"Who wouldn't see you?" Hopper sits down at the table, reaching for his plate. He glances at Chris, wondering if she understands.

"The bad men," replies Chris, ducking into the bathroom to change. El can take it from here.

"What are you talking about?"

El doesn't sit down, standing over Hopper. "Trick or treat."

Hopper raises an eyebrow at her, going still. "You want to go trick-or-treating?" He frowns. "You know the rules."

"Yes, but—" El tries.

Hopper gestures for her to sit down, taking a drink of his coffee. "Yeah, so you know the answer."

"No," agrees El, "but they wouldn't see me."

Hopper rises from his seat, grabbing El's arms, bringing her over to her own seat. "No. Hey. I don't care."

"But they wouldn't see me."

Hopper lowers himself to her level, trying not to get too mad. He knows what it's like to raise a teenage daughter, but sometimes these kids just don't understand. There are too many risks and he needs to protect these two no matter what.

"Dad," sighs Chris, exiting the bathroom. She's wearing her long hair in a high hair-tie. Her high-waisted jeans are rolled at the ankles and her black Beatles shirt is layered with a red long-sleeve shirt. "It's Halloween. El should get to go once before she grows up."

El smiles underneath the sheet.

"I don't care, all right?" Hopper shoots Chris a look. "You go out there, ghost or not, it's a risk. We don't take risks. All right? They're stupid, and—"

"We're not stupid!" snips El, anger tracing her small voice. Whether she means the three of them, or Chris and El for wanting to go out for Halloween, it's unclear.

Hopper nods. "Exactly." Hopper points at El. "Now, you take that off, sit down and eat. Your food's getting cold. Both of you."

El throws the sheet off of her head, hair flying everywhere. She sits down with a huff. Chris makes her way over, sitting down and eating her food awkwardly.

Hopper smacks his lips together, coffee burning his tongue. He glances between Chris, who gives him her own stern look, and El who slumps over her food miserably. "All right, look, how about I get off early tonight, and I buy us a bunch of candy, and we can sit around and get fat, and we watch a scary movie together?" Hopper looks at Chris. "How's that for a compromise?"

"C-compromise?" repeats El, confused. She looks at Chris.

"C-o-m-promise," informs Chris. "Compromise."

"How about that's your word for the day?" Hopper gives her a happier look. "Yeah? It's something that's kinda in-between. It's like halfway happy."

"By 5-1-5?" wonders El.

"5:15. Yeah, sure."

"Promise?" she presses.

"Yes. I promise."

El shrugs, reaching for her orange juice. "Halfway happy." She doesn't look too thrilled though. Hopper reaches over, shaking her hair. El smiles, shaking her head.

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