Don't Step on the Trap

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Ronda and Robbie trail gasoline across the Byers' carpet. The trail leads to the hallway near Jonathan and Will's rooms. They step aside to avoid getting caught in the bear trap that Nancy and Jonathan are prying open. Robbie sets out a yo-yo, tying the other end so that someone will have to duck if they want to avoid it. Nancy loads the gun and Jonathan hammers long nails into Nancy's bat. The twins finish putting all the Christmas lights back together. Jonathan turns off all the lights.

Jonathan grabs kitchen knives and a lighter, moving back to the others. They gather in the living room tense and quiet.

"Remember," he begins.

"Straight into Will's room. And—" says Nancy.

"Don't step on the trap," Robbie adds.

"Wait for the yo-yo to move," continues Ronda.

"Then..." Jonathan flicks the lighter to test that it's working.

"How did you think of all of this?" asks Ronda, staring around the Byers' house. The trap that Johnathan and Nancy came up with is much more elaborate than Ronda could ever think to make. She just hopes it works.

Robbie squeezes his sister shoulder, sensing that she's overwhelmed by all of this. Ronda glances at him, her glasses glint in the Christmas lights.

Nancy shrugs, taking a look around at what they've created herself. "I dunno..." She stares at Johnathan. "We just...did."

Robbie huffs out, rubbing his hands together. "It better work."

Jonathan exhales loudly, handing Nancy one of the knives. "All right. You ready?"

"Ready." Nancy places the knife in her palm.

"On three. One...two..." Jonathan pauses at Nancy's worried look.

Robbie frowns, noticing the hesitancy. "You don't have to do this."

Nancy shakes her head, closing her eyes. "Rob, stop talking."

"I'm just saying, you don't have to—"


Jonathan and Nancy cut open their palms with hisses of pain. Robbie and Ronda share surprised looks as the blood begins to drip in their hands.

"Guys, guys! This is crazy," Mike snaps, creating a circle with Dustin and Lucas. "We can't just wait around."

"Mike, in case you forgot, we're still fugitives. The bad men are still looking for us," explains Lucas, staring between his two friends.

"Yeah, and we don't even know where your sister is," adds Dustin.

"El can find them," Mike replies confidently.

Dustin gestures to El, who's sitting on the bleachers tiredly. She has her head on her knees. "Mike, look at her. I still think we should stick to the chief's plan."

"Exactly. We stay here, keep El and Chris out of sight and keep them safe. That's the most important thing, remember?" Lucas shrugs as Mike relaxes a bit. "Besides, Nancy's okay. She's with Jonathan and the twins."

"Yeah, and she's kind of a badass now, so..." Dustin doesn't bother finishing as he turns around and heads out of the gym.

Mike frowns at him. "Well, where are you going? You just said stick to the plan!"

Dustin smirks. "I am. I'm just gonna go get some chocolate pudding. I'm telling you, Lunch Lady Phyllis hoards that shit."

"Are you serious?" scowls Mike, rolling his eyes.

Dustin shoots him a pointed look. "El needs to be recharged! Chocolate pudding is Chris's favorite. She'll probably be starving when she wakes up!" Dustin closes the door to the gym behind him. Lucas follows after Dustin.

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