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Lucas waves his hands at the girl, shouting now, "What did I tell you? She's been playing us from the beginning!"

Mike, upset, tired, and anxious snaps back, "That's not true. She helped us find Will!"

"Find Will? Find Will?" Lucas peers around the junkyard dramatically. He puts his hands on his hips after waving them around the area. "Where is he, then? Huh? I don't see him."

Mike rolls his eyes. Lucas is tired and anxious too. They're all hoping to find Will and save him. It's proving to be more difficult than they thought. "Yeah, you know what I mean."

"No, I actually don't."

Dustin and Robbie share a look, wondering if the two boys will calm down soon enough. Lucas continues on his rant, "Just think about it, Mike. She could've just told us where the Upside Down was right away, but she didn't. She just made us run around like headless chickens."

Dustin steps in between his friends, pushing them aside. "All right, calm down!"

"No!" Lucas shoves Dustin back. "She used us, all of us! She helped just enough so she could get what she wants. Food and a bed. She's like a stray dog."

"Screw you, Lucas!" snips Mike.

"Hey," Robbie comments; stern yet gentle. "Uncalled for."

Lucas is back in Mike's face, ignoring Robbie—who isn't even a member of the their party. "No! Screw you, Mike. You're blind. Blind because you like that a girl's not grossed out by you. But wake up, man! Wake the hell up! She knows where Will is, and now she's just letting him die in the Upside Down." Lucas shoves Mike in the chest.

"Shut up!"

"For all we know, it's her fault."

"Shut up."

"We're looking for some stupid monster but did you ever stop to think that maybe she's the monster?" Lucas glares over at El. He huffs out in anger, ready to direct all of it toward the girl instead.

"I said shut up!" Mike tackles Lucas, the two of them falling to the ground. They roll around in the dirt trying to pin the other one over.

"Stop!" El yells.

"Knock it off, you idiots," scowls Dustin.

"Stop it!"

"Mike, get off!" orders Robbie. He grabs Mike by the arms, pulling at him. He kicks wildly, clinging to Lucas's jacket.

"Stop it!" El screams. She flings Robbie and Lucas off of Mike. Lucas goes flying, sliding hard and hitting his head on the door of an old car.

Robbie scrambles to his feet. "Jesus!" He runs toward the boy, pushing Mike and Dustin out of his way to get to Lucas. He's taking a responsibility to protect these boys and stranger little girl these last few days. If anything were to happen to them, he'd be crushed. "Lucas! Lucas! Lucas, are you all right?"

"Lucas. Lucas, come on!" Mike begs, reaching for his shoulder. Suddenly, the fight they just had doesn't matter anymore.

"Lucas, wake up! Lucas. Come on, Lucas!" Dustin pats Lucas, who doesn't move.

Mike spins toward El, growing more anxious and angry. "Why would you do that? What's wrong with you?" he yells.

"Mike! Mike, stop!" Robbie demands, throwing a hand up to hopefully prevent another fight. El shrinks back from the chaos.

Mike pushes Robbie's hands away. His voice is rising now. "What is wrong with you?"

Dustin sniffles, worried Lucas is dead. He doesn't bother with Mike and El. "Come on, wake up. Come on!"

Shadows of the Night  •a Stranger Things story•Where stories live. Discover now