You Can Do This

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November 14th, 1983
Hawkins, Indiana

Ronda wraps her arms around herself, digging her hands into her jacket pockets. She stands outside the middle school with Jonathan, Nancy, and Robbie. The four of them have been arguing for fifteen minutes about what to do next.

"We can't just leave all of them here," states Robbie. His dark eyes are narrowed in on Jonathan and Nancy. The two of them have backed into Jonathan's car, ready to sprint off.

"They'll be safe without us," Nancy defends. "If we lead the Demogorgon away from everyone—away from the kids and Chris, Hopper, and Joyce, and Will...if we kill it before it hurts anyone else—"

"If, Nancy," spats Robbie. "If. This is all theoretical to you. Do you even hear yourself? Hopper and Joyce are going to bring Will back. Chris is with him right now." Robbie turns to Jonathan. "Your brother is alive."

"That thing is still out there," Nancy argues, tears spilling down her cheeks. "It took Barb, and Will is trapped there with it. Chris is trapped there with it. We have to stop it."

Robbie clenches his jaw, stopping himself to think. He bites his lip. "Okay. Fine, but we're coming with." Ronda stares at her brother in surprise. Jonathan and Nancy mirror the looks. Robbie moves toward the passenger seat. "I've been babysitting all goddamn week. I'm ready to punch something." He taps the hood as he gets inside. "Let's go."

Mike sits impatiently on the benches. El has her head on his shoulder as he glances at the time on his watch. He stands up abruptly, causing Lucas, Dustin, and El to stare at him as he leaves. He exits the building, searching for his sister and her friends.

"Nancy? Robbie?" Mike frowns to himself, storming back into the gym. "They're gone," he blurts out in frustration. He hurries back to his friends.

"What?" inquires Lucas, sitting up straight.

"Robbie, Nancy, Jonathan, and Ronda. His car's gone," explains Mike.

Dustin rolls his eyes. "They're probably just sucking face somewhere." He continues to watch over Chris, who they decided to move out of the kiddie pool so she doesn't drown. She hasn't given them any indication on whether she and Will are in danger.

"Gross," mutters Lucas.

Mike shakes his head. "No. No way! Robbie and Ronda are with them!"

"Did they go with the chief?" wonders Dustin.

Mike shrugs. "I don't know."

"No," answers El, her voice low.

Mike stares at her with interest. "What? Did you see them? Do you know where they went?"


"Where? Where did they go?"


Chris and Will are running through the forest. Chris has Will's hand tightly in her own, refusing to let the two of them get split apart. Will coughs, stumbling. Chris stops for a moment, pushing him forward. "C'mon. You can do this."

"Where are we going?!" he shouts.

"Just trust me, okay? We have to get away from this thing!"

Will staggers again, coughing harder. Chris pulls him after her, trying to hide the fear in her eyes at Will's state.

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