Back Scratches | Dream Headcanon #1

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Headcanon: Back Scratches

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: Mentions of stress

Word Count: 1380k

Author's Note: Thank you to the anon who sent a request! This was really fun for me to write about. I'm happy that this is my first headcanon for 7Dream ^ ^

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It was just the two of you in the studio. Mark doing some work while you patiently waited for him so you could go home together. You looked up from your phone when he called your name.



Your eagerness to hear what he had to say turned into confusion when he didn't say anything. He was fumbling with the strings of his hoodie and avoiding your gaze as he hesitated.

"Mark what is it?" you asked quietly, wondering what was wrong.

Another few seconds of silence passed before Mark sighed in frustration. It was only then that you noticed the slight blush on his cheeks. You would tilt your head in puzzlement.

"It's just...I have an itch on my back... and I can't reach it," he would finally confess.

You blinked a few times, processing what he just said.

Mark immediately tried to back himself up, "I know it sounds weird and you don't have to-"

You slowly smiled and got up to stand behind him, "Tell me where."

With a faint hint of amusement, you listened as Mark gave directions on the precise spot that was causing him discomfort. You had to hold back from laughing when he slowly exhaled.

You found it funny how Mark got flustered over something so trivial. After that moment, the awkwardness seemed to dissipate, replaced by a newfound ease between you two. Mark didn't seem to get embarrassed about asking for your help anymore, and it was a small yet significant reminder of the bond you were building.



The two of you were in the same room, doing different things. He was at the table, diligently painting a picture. While you were on the sofa across from him, reading a book. The atmosphere was filled with a serene silence that wrapped around you both like a cozy blanket, the tranquility of it bringing a sense of contentment.

Until Renjun felt an itch on the middle of his back, interrupting the peace. At first, he tried to ignore it and focus on his artwork. When the itch didn't go away, he pressed his back against the chair to ease his discomfort. The atmosphere was filled with a serene silence that wrapped around you both like a cozy blanket, the tranquility of it bringing a sense of contentment.

From your position, you caught sight of his increasingly agitated movements.

"Are you alright?" your head slightly leaned toward his direction.

Renjun's reaction was almost immediate. Blushing, he straightened up and stammered, "H-huh? Oh, I'm fine."

Though his response didn't fully convince you, you decided not to pry. Instead, you reluctantly returned your attention to your book.

After a few increasingly uncomfortable minutes passed, Renjun reached his breaking point. Coincidentally, your eyes would meet with his desperate ones.

"Please, my back is killing me," he admitted, swallowing his pride.

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