To Love | Jaemin #9

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Title: To Love

Genre: Fluff (?)

Warnings: a little suggestive, making out

Word Count: 715

Author's Note: I've never been in love before. But whenever Na Jaemin pops into my head (which is a regular occurrence), I associate him with love. He's so sweet, considerate, and sincere. The list goes on, but I'll stop my fangirling here. I hope you guys like this short story. Thank you for reading ^ ^


The gentle glow of the lights enhanced the serenity of the room. Seated on the bed, you traced delicate patterns on your boyfriend's back with your fingertips. Few words were exchanged between the two of you, opting to appreciate the stillness of the moment.

The only discernible sounds were the gentle scratches against the canvas of his exposed back, and occasionally accompanied by sighs of relief from him.

"You're so tense," you murmured, as your nails glided over the knots beneath his muscles. Though you couldn't see his face, the warmth of a small smile resonated in his voice.

"Thankfully, I have you to take care of me," he said, earning a chuckle from you.

Despite the lightheartedness in his tone, Jaemin meant what he said. Being a motherly figure in his group, he was accustomed to looking after others. However, only a select few in his life allowed him to be on the receiving end. And you happened to be one of those individuals.

On a day full of long dance practices and recording sessions, your touch was exactly what Jaemin needed. His eyes were closed, and he let out another content sigh, appreciating the luxury of being cared for. In that moment, he could feel the weight of his exhaustion and stress dissipate with each stroke.

As your nails continued their gentle path along his back, Jaemin found himself swept away by the depth of his emotions for you. As someone who loved passionately, he realized that his fondness for you was immeasurable.

Unable to dwell in his thoughts any longer, Jaemin shifted his focus. You were caught off guard as his warm hand wrapped around your wrist and swiftly pulled you into his lap. His other hand cupped half of your face, and his eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that spoke volumes.

"I love you," he whispered in a low, almost husky voice.

While Jaemin told you those three words daily, tonight they carried a vulnerability that stirred the same swirl of emotions he was feeling within you. You didn't even need to say it back, the look in your eyes was all he needed for reassurance. The next thing you knew, his lips were meeting yours in a slow, deliberate kiss. The connection between you two was like a magnetic force, drawing you closer to each other.

Your hands found their way to Jaemin's shoulders, grasping onto the fabric of his shirt. Simultaneously, he continued to cradle your face, gently lifting your chin at the perfect angle to deepen the kiss. As your lips pressed onto his, a tingling sensation spread through him, the softness of your touch leaving a warmth that permeated every nerve in his body. Emotions surfaced like waves crashing against the shore, adding to the intimacy of the moment.

Every kiss shared with Jaemin held a special place in your heart. Yet, you secretly loved how this particular one seemed to just go on and on. It almost felt as if time had momentarily froze just for the two of you.

If it weren't for the necessity of breathing, you and Jaemin might never have pulled away. Reluctantly, you placed a hand on his chest, gently breaking the kiss. Both of you were teary-eyed, overwhelmed by the overflowing love you had for one another. The emotion was so intense that it bordered on pain. You hadn't known it was possible to feel this way for a person until now.

Jaemin's eyes remained locked on yours intently, his thumb gently brushing over your cheek, sending a slight shiver down your spine. He couldn't resist a playful grin as he joked, "Maybe we should just get married already."

You would have laughed if you hadn't caught the hint of sincerity beneath his humor. Moving your arms to wrap around his neck, and softly replied, "Maybe we should."

Your response caused the smile on his face to widen. Jaemin tightened his embrace, holding you close, as if savoring the moment. Resting his forehead against yours, he pressed another lingering kiss to your lips. The air between you two crackled with a quiet understanding, and a promised future together felt closer than ever. If this is what it means to love, you fully intend to treasure it forever.


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